Tuesday, February 25, 2025


More snow! I love hiking in it so much:

I thought Eve was old enough to play with the bag of magnets so I got them down for her. I took this cute picture of her necklace:
Then, only moments later she came up to me and told me she had swallowed one of those ball magnets. I was terrified that she had maybe swallowed more than one since I've heard of all the horror stories about that but thankfully she was fine. Still, I read that I should take her to the ER so I did that and Joe met us there. She was living her best life at the ER. Everyone loved her there and gave her so much attention and since she wasn't in pain or suffering she was happy. It was kind of hilarious to watch.
They did an x-ray and sure enough--there was the magnet:
The happy patient:
They sent us home with a nurses hat thing to catch all of her poop in to make sure that it passed. It took a few days until finally one day it happened, of all places, at the Arctic Circle. 
Eli had his Spring Orchestra concert. I always love watching those--they sound so good. They had smaller numbers for this one so you could definitely hear him playing and he did great!
Natalie was in Tarzan, a Repertory show at the Orpheum as one of the apes and we loved watching her in it:
Paul Doughty killed it as Clayton and made us all laugh, and was genuinely scary!
One funny story: I was driving Natalie home and we stopped at Winco to get some ice cream but she had to be the one to go inside to get it--in full makeup :). She got some looks for sure.
Natalie made birria tacos one night that were delicious!
Another cute preschool pic:
For pie day we got $3.14 pizzas at Blaze to celebrate:
Natalie also earned some money by selling pies:
One day, Eve was spinning around in the family room holding a maraca and she let go of it. It hit the TV and completely ruined it. It was our brand new bigger TV we had just bought. Sad day:
Lounging in the hot tub and playing outside:
Eli and Nate got timers and practiced cubing:
I loved this cute pic from a hike one morning:
We love when it gets sunnier and we can play outside:
One day, Natalie and I went on a trip to Boise to try on prom dresses. It was a fun outing and she ended up with this gorgeous one:
Joe took Eve to an Easter egg hunt at Acton and they saw the Easter bunny:
I just loved these BeReals:
We had a fun outing to the climbing gym and I was so impressed with Eve:
Another pretty hiking shot:
I had dragged Eli with me and he was NOT happy so he stayed off by himself:
Eve fell asleep at church one day:
We ended the month by celebrating Easter. I loved this poem I read:
We had our sunrise devotional in the hot tub since it was raining/snowing and it was the best! Might need to make that a tradition. Lizzie was in town and sang a musical number that day in church and did beautifully. I accompanied her, We had Marsha over for a nice dinner and she made me the most delicious carrot cake an as early birthday cake.
We colored eggs too:
Natalie made some really cool ones:

Saturday, February 8, 2025


I loved this beautiful sunrise over our gross yard:
I thought Natalie's senior picture turned out so cute too:
I saved this BeReal of an outing the kids took:
I loved these preschool pics too:
For a while, Eve just loved sitting in this floatie we accidentally stole from Grandma and Grandpa's cabin:
We teamed up to take Eli and Maddy to the temple for the first time It was such a neat experience and I loved that we got to go together. Then we got dinner after.
Another classic Eve outfit:
Eve took these pictures from a night we had family over:
She also took a whole bunch of George:
And this cute one of Joe:
Joe and Natalie sang a cute duet of "We Are Gonna Be Friends" for her music account:
One weekend when Lizzie was in town we all took a trip up to Hailey to go sledding:
It was fun! It was a steep hill, though, so some of us didn't walk up very many times :).
We got lunch at a yummy burger place after:
I just loved soaking up time with us all together.
Snuggle time one night:
Eve loves going on hikes with me still:
I just loved this view of Eve reading books in the sunlight at the library:
We had a picnic too:
On February 21st, I was in my room working on my homework for my class when I suddenly got this text:
This was 20 months after I had made it to the next round of auditions where I took a test of 50 question on zoom with other people and then had a mock game on zoom. They had told me that if I didn't get called to be on the show in 18 months I should just try taking the test again so I was thinking I'd have to do that. I was shocked! Of course I said yes and they called right away to tell me I was going to be on the show on April 3rd! I was so pumped. I came out to the family room and told Joe, Natalie, Eli and Eve who were there and we just jumped up and down. It was so awesome and they were so excited for me. I loved that moment. Then the studying began...

At the end of the month, Joe and I drove down to Las Vegas for a builders conference that he and Ben were going to. I got to tag along for a fun getaway. The drive down was quite scary though with super low visibility:
We made it safely, thankfully.
Joe spent most of the trip helping me study all the countries and their capitals. He was so good at coming up with funny ways to remember them and he helped so much.
We got to go to some fun shows while we were there, including a Michael Jackson tribute one, a Beatles one, and a movie in the Sphere:
The sphere had this cool robot you could ask questions to:
We walked around the conference for a bit too:
We also had some AMAZING food. One night we had a multi-course meal that was paid for by a vendor that was so good:
Our last night there we splurged on a really fancy meal and at a Michelin star restaurant. I don't know if we'll spend that much on a meal again but the food was amazing!
That scallop was the best one I'd ever eaten.
It was a super fun trip and an awesome month!