Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am potty training Natalie as we speak. It was a spur of the moment decision one morning when she decided to go in the potty. She is actually doing pretty well. She had one accident yesterday.

Today I was falling into the trap of thinking, "I think she has it down! What if she's one of those kids who never has an accident again once they understand? How great would that be?" (Side note: I wish moms who have such luck/skill/memory loss would keep it to themselves because it just creates impossible expectations for the rest of us. Thank you for your consideration. :) Even as I was thinking those thoughts, the danger light came on in my head. I knew I should stop thinking that or disappointment would surely follow. Sure enough, she pooped in her pants.

Still, I really do think it will stick this time. We're both more committed to it. Wish us luck!


Mitzi said...

I DO wish you luck! We have had a few measly attempts, but nothing is sticking. He's just not interested at all, which is really disappointing because I was really hoping I wouldn't have to have 2 in diapers. Keep us all updated.

Yes - we ARE indeed interested in your child's bathroom habits. :)

Jessica said...

Awesome! Next week we are going to start the journey too.

The Good Life said...

We're rootin for ya! Good Luck!

Lisa said...

Go Natalie!!! As you know I am a huge fan of starting them young. I say the younger, the easier! Wait too long and the stubborness sets in! Sounds like she is going great. There are always going to be setbacks so just hang in there!

Jackie said...

I was one of THOSE moms with Dallin, but I got what was coming to me. Mia has been 'potty training' for like a year, I think. She's mostly okay with #1, but #2 in the toilet is a very rare occasion indeed. She gets it, just doesn't care. I've tried everything I can think of. So, it's not the parenting obviously.