Friday, May 1, 2009

The Details

So, I can finally talk about being pregnant on the blog. Now you're in for it because I probably won't stop :).

First off, my due date is September 28th. I don't think they will let me go farther than 37 weeks, though, since it is a scheduled c-section, so that puts us in early September. Of course that is all assuming I make it full term this time. The big IF. We're shooting for September and hopefully we'll make it. There have been some extra precautions that haven't been taken before and I'm exercising more than in previous pregnancies, which can't hurt, so there is some reason to hope. They did notice in the ultrasounds that one of my uterine arteries is abnormal which can be a predictor for pre-eclampsia but considering my track record we obviously knew it was likely to happen anyway. So, "it's consistent with my history" as they say. I like the OB and the perinatologists I am seeing, even if I do get a lot more "why are you having another child?"-type of questions here in California.

If I could describe this pregnancy in one word it would be "shots". I guess "pokes" to be more accurate. The regular blood thinner shots, a new weekly shot, regular blood draws, etc. But, we knew what we were signing up for so I have no right to complain.

And, if the end result is a healthy baby boy (and a healthy me), all the precautions will have been so much more than worth it. We are SO excited to be having a boy. We would have been just as excited either way of course but I'm feeling ready for the challenge a boy will bring. He kicks a lot, so I sometimes worry that he's going to be super active but that's a good thing right? I'm only 18 1/2 weeks but Joe already felt him kick a week or two ago and Elizabeth almost did one time, too. She's really excited to feel him kick. It just so happened that she changed her mind about two days before the ultrasound and decided she wanted a boy so she was thrilled when we told them. Even though Natalie was saying she wanted a girl right before we told her, she still jumped up and down and said "Yay!" so she wasn't too hard to please either. Right afterwards, though, she asked, "Did the baby come out?" That was kind of a let down for her. :)

I actually had more morning sickness this time than my previous pregnancies. I decided that I get sick differently every time. With Elizabeth, it was all Joe-related. I think I only threw up once when he wasn't around and it would strike at random times throughout the whole pregnancy. It wasn't his smell or anything, just something about being with him. Luckily, that didn't happen again. With Natalie, all I remember is that I wasn't as sick and that it was mostly trying to swallow my prenatals that would make me throw up. This time, I had the food-related nausea, which is really not fun. I was spolied before, I guess. It really stinks when you can't enjoy eating at all. Luckily, that is mostly over now and things are good.

Anyway, all is well so far. We are feeling very blessed and are so excited.


Dione said...

Yea for a sept baby, I think you should aim for the 3rd! Even though you knew what you were in for with the baby, I still think pregnant women have the right to complain as much as they want ;) I'm sorry about the shots, thats not fun, but I'm sure it will be worth it! Good luck!

Stephanie said...

Yay, Ashley. I'm glad I checked my blog before I went to bed. After all, it is almost 11 and WAY past my bedtime but I had a YW activity tonight. That's a bummer about the shots, do you ever get used to them? That's a bummer you had more sickness with this one too. Maybe because it's a boy. I definitely know the feeling of hating food. It's my worst enemy!! But luckily I'm getting better now. Hey, I like your background. It's the boy version of mine. Maybe that means I'm having a girl. I should find out in about a month. K, bedtime. Bye!

Jessica said...

This is great news, we will kepp you in our prayers.

Cindy said...

Ashley, Congrats!! I'm so excited for you guys. I really wish we lived closer and could see your girls...and boy! Two girls and a boy is quite great if I do say so myself! I'll definitely be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers for everything to go well. Good luck!

Nursemom said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Lucky you to be getting a boy. I really hope you make it this time. You'll do great either way. Can't wait to see pictures. Be careful! And a big congratulations

Jackie said...

Congratulations, Ashley! I'm sorry I didn't comment sooner. I was blown away that you kept it secret for so long. You're in our prayers. You're a braver woman than I am! Yay for boys, too! There is something about that time of year this year...I know 8 people who are due around the same time.

Meghan said...

It's been so long since I've made a visit to your blog - what a happy surprise. Conratulations! Take care of yourself and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a safe and healthy delivery. I can't believe how grown up Elizabeth is. Love the poses! :)