Thursday, July 22, 2010

Healthy at last

OK, I feel bad about posting that and then never following up. All the kids are finally better. It was a long two weeks but they are over it now, thankfully. We are done traveling, too, at least for a little while. We're back in UT staying with Joe's brother's family. Have I mentioned that? I can't remember. They are kind, wonderful, compassionate and gracious enough to let us live in their house for 6 weeks :). Well, there's less than a month left now.

The kids sure seem to be having fun. However, all the cousin playtime can result in fighting/meltdowns if they are not given enough quiet/alone time. Exhibit A: a walk we attempted to take last night after dinner. It's actually pretty funny to look back on now. We had only gone about 3 houses down when the kids were abandoning bikes, begging to ride on the double stroller (already holding two babies) fighting over bikes, saying they were tired, etc, etc. Somehow we all made it home in one piece. :)

It is great fun for me having Jaime around during the day. It's so nice to have someone to hang out with. We've been trading off cooking and babysitting and clean-up is so much faster with more people (although the messes are probably twice as big!). Anyway, they are putting up with a WHOLE lot and we sure appreciate it. Thank you again. We owe you guys big!!

Pictures will still have to wait since we don't have the camera cord. Hopefully my next post will have some. I hope everyone is having a nice summer!


CHELZERS said...

Yay! Can't wait to have you back though! :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

When are you coming home??? We all miss you guys so much.