Friday, September 9, 2011


I don't know if I've mentioned on here yet that I actually decided not to start Natalie in kindergarten this year. It was a hard decision to make but Joe and I felt good about what we decided. A lot of things went into the decision. We felt, and still feel, that she probably would have done fine but we wanted to give her a little more time before she officially starts the 16+ years of school ahead of her. She would have been really young for her grade. One thing that affected our decision was that it's an all-day kindergarten here. I just didn't know if she (or I!) would be ready for that quite yet.

I did feel like she needed to have something this year, though. We had fun with our co-op preschool last year. I got her on the waiting list for a preschool right at the elementary school that looked really nice and actually doesn't cost a fortune like many others around here. The days passed and it looked like she wouldn't get in. Finally, the weekend before they were starting we got a call saying she got in! It was such a relief. She started on Wednesday.

The only picture I got inside her classroom:
(It's hard managing a toddler who wants to play on everything but isn't supposed to with one arm and taking pictures with the other...)
She had a great first day. She loves her teacher and she is so excited to get to know the kids in her class. I'm excited to get my chance to help out in the class and see her in there.


Tiffany Kadani said...

How fun! I bet she's loving it there. And I agree with you: she has so much school ahead of her why push it? Miss you all!

Little Lady Cakes said...

Hi, Ashley! I have your pyrex bowl container from the Mexican stew you had made me years ago.

Please email me at amykmcallister [at]

Sorry it has taken me so long to get a hold of you.