Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Summer, Another Move

Well, one reason I've been trying to update the blog is so I can get a little caught up before I mention our big news--we moved again!

It's a long story that I won't really go into here but here's the summary:  Joe's job in Sacramento didn't work out.  He was still working part-time for his old firm.  Thankfully, he managed to get hired back on full time.  He began commuting in January.  He would stay over two nights a week to keep from having to make the long commute every day.  This situation was no fun.  We eventually decided to move back to the bay area.  We found a house to rent and packed up and moved the day after the girls' last day of school.  We'll be putting our house up on the market soon.

Life is interesting.  In some ways it feels like the past year was one big difficult loop.  Yet, it mostly feels like there were important lessons we had to learn through all of this and we're grateful for having learned them.  There have been tremendous blessings, too--spiritual, financial and otherwise, and we're grateful for those as well. One thing's for sure: God knows our needs.

We're happy in our new house and our new area.  Message me if you'd like our address.  We love visitors!  We're definitely getting this moving thing down.  We did some counting up and Joe has now moved an average of once a year over his lifetime.  It's the same for the kids.  My average is about once every two years, and I lived in the same house for 18 years!  We'll all be glad to have some summers off in the future, hopefully.

Thankfully, the most important things are in tact--we love God and we love each other, we have all that we need and then some, and we're all healthy!  Life is good.


Stephanie said...

Are you serious?!?! Where are you guys? Email me!

The Good Life said...

Wow! Can't believe we didn't take advantage while you guys were close. Let's get together this summer!

Whit K said...

Justin mentioned he thought Joe changed jobs so I've been meaning to e-mail you and catch up! I think about you guys lots and hope everything is going well.