Saturday, August 3, 2013

Allen Reunion

We had a great time back at Old Greenwood for the Allen reunion.  We sure missed Matt & Melissa and family, but it was great seeing everyone else.

Of course we had lots of time at the pool...

The kids bonded with Tyler in the pool and the girls loved all the cute things he would say:

Joe had to leave to go back to work for a few days so I sent him this picture of Elijah and I kicking back at the pool:

I loved the evenings--hanging out and talking after good meals while the kids played on the golf course:

Emily even fell in this little stream helping Nate cross back.  What a great cousin! :)

It's so beautiful there:

We went to Lake Tahoe one day and had a great time.  We rented a boat and took turns going out.  I sat out with the boys this year but the girls had a blast tubing behind the boat.

Nate loved digging in the sand and actually played in the water!  
He loved that the waves were much calmer.

One day when Joe was back we went on a family hike around one of our favorite spots above Donner Lake.  You can't beat the view:

The kids just love climbing the big rocks:

Look!  It's a picture of Joe and I (and baby) for once:

There were many other highlights I didn't get pictures of including a family soccer game, a fun rafting trip down the Truckee River and a great FHE given by Emily and Hannah.  We had a blast!

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