Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Day(s) of School

 We were told when we moved here, and I first went to register the kids, that there wouldn't be any space at the neighborhood school so they would be offloaded to another nearby school.  They said the waiting list was just way too long.  I was kind of upset at first but determined to make the best of it.  The girls got adjusted to the idea of a different school.  Well, apparently they had a crackdown and found a bunch of people that weren't following the rules and didn't actually live where they said the did.  A few days before school started, we found out that Elizabeth had gotten in.  Unfortunately Natalie had not, although she was very next on the list for her grade.  We decided to go for it and hope for the best.

So, the first day of school came and the girls were at different schools. They were nervous but they did so great.  I thought they'd be really upset about not having each other.  I mean look at this:
They still love to dress alike.

 Brand new 3rd and 2nd graders.

So, we split up... Joe dropped Elizabeth off and I took Natalie:
Goodbye sister!

 They both had great first days.  I was so happy about that.  That was actually Nate's first day of preschool, too.  We started a preschool co-op and he has been loving it.  It is perfect for him this year.  Sadly, not one picture of his first day--sorry Nate.  I'm sure there will be more on that later.

After 6 days of racing between schools for pick-ups and drop-offs, we found out Natalie got in, too.  It was sad for her since she had already made a good friend but she handled it well.  We're having some regular play dates, too, so they'll still see each other.  The resiliency of that girl amazes me.  So, she had yet another first day of school in her new class.  Now we're into the full homework routine and we're having struggles.  Hopefully their work habits improve soon or I might go crazy.  Ah, back to school... :)


Lisa said...

Love those girls!!!! And I love that they still love to dress alike!! Reminds me of Em and Abby at that age!

Marin said...

Oh so glad they got to be in the same school!! That will be so fun for them!! Hope they continue to wear matching outfits!! Love it!!!

Hope the homework goes well! Carden get his first homework packet this coming week!!! :)

ps SUCH cute boys!