Saturday, August 22, 2020

Eli is 7!

Eli had a great birthday this year! He wanted a Dr. Mario cake and planned it all out for me:
He got some great gifts including this candy gram from  Natalie:
What he really wanted was a "yes day"--a day where he could choose what we do.
Eli brings so much energy and fun to our family. I don't know what we'd do without him. He is enthusiastic about life, funny, imaginative and caring. I love reading the things he writes. This was a card that he made for his student teacher who left at the break. He loved him and was sad to see him go.

Eli had a great year and grew a lot! Not only did he physically grow the most out of all the kids that year (we kept track on our wall), he also improved in his reading a ton. He moved up to the Minor B league in baseball and did really well learning to play by all the official rules and hitting off the pitching machine. He learned to ride a bike and a ripstik. He got his own red ripstik for his birthday. He started full day school and did really well. He was one of the best students in his class. 

Eli at 7 loves candy of all kinds, especially marshmallows. He loves grilled cheese sandwiches, pancakes, cheeseburgers with nothing else on them, chicken, steak, blueberries, granola bars, and Lucky Charms. He loves Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Wars, Disney shows like Jessie and Liv & Maddie, and Harry Potter. He loves playing board and card games, writing stories and creating lego characters. He loves playing outside with his neighborhood friends and playing video games. He's gotten a lot better and can hold his own against Nate in a lot of games.

Eli is so excited to be a big brother and loves to tell people about that. He's had a great run as youngest child but doesn't seem too sad to give it up. He will be a wonderful big brother. We sure love Eli!

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