Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We Found a Home!

After over a week of searching for a place to live, our search officially ended today. We found a nice house to rent not too far from the campus. It's big, a lot bigger than our house even. It's an older home but in good condition with new carpet and flooring. It's a good deal and we're very excited to move in on Saturday. So, our next week or so will be full of moving in. Then, a week from Friday I leave for London! For those of you who don't know I'm going on a 9 day tour of London and Paris with my sister. I can't believe it's almost here. I'm really excited to go but a little nervous about leaving the girls for so long. Hopefully they'll still like me when I get back. :) Anyway, big things coming up for us. Wish us luck!


Jaime said...

That's great you guys. You'll have to post pics soon.

Jordan and Luci said...

So fun that you found such a big place! I want to come to Europe! "Bring me back something French!" Name that movie Ash.

Leslie said...

Good for you guys! And have so much fun in London and Paris. What an adventure. I'm really excited for you.

Jordan and Luci said...

Hey you less actives- I got Settles of Catan in Germany! All of them (settlers, sea, and cities and knights) – the pieces are pretty dang cool. I will get you guys the set next time we go (which maybe soon) I ran out of Euros!