Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We're Alive and in California

Our east coast experience is, sadly, over. Basically, there were some major ethical problems with the sales office there. Joe tried to continue to sell in a way he felt was honest but it became more and more difficult for him to do that, so, we left. It was difficult of course but we feel good about the decision. I think he will post about this in the future but I'll just leave it at that for now.

So, after me flying with the kids and Joe driving our stuff back across the country, and some stops in Utah and Idaho, we are now in California ready to get settled for law school here. I'm excited to be back and hoping that we can find a place to live soon so we can unpack. Elizabeth wants to "go home" and I couldn't agree with her more.

Here are some highlights (and lowlights) of the last few weeks:
-Hanging out with Richard in a hotel hallway while the kids nap inside our room
-Joe hitting a deer somewhere in Illinois (he was fine although the car is kind of crunched)
-The girls actually doing pretty well on our flights home (what a blessing!)
-Snuggling with my girls during the flight while they slept (even though I had to hold the same position for hours--it was still worth it)
-The girls and I enjoying our first swim of the summer and having a blast with cousins
-Visiting grandmas and grandpas!
-Natalie finding a word for grandma/grandpa and constantly greeting them with "Hi muh-guh!"
-Eating endless Winco fudgesicles and talking with Joe's mom until late at night
-Singing every song I can think of during the drive to CA
-Being back in sunny California!


Jaime said...

I'm glad you guys made it safely. I'm sad about your car. It was fun seeing you again.

Leslie said...

Oh that's so sad! I'm sorry you had to go all the way across the country-- only to just turn around and go back. That's terrible! What a big decision to leave an unethical company. Good for you guys. I'm sure you'll be blessed for doing what was right. Best wishes finding a place to live and getting settled in California.

Stephanie said...

Wow Ashley! What news. I can't believe how the sales turned out to be unethical. That is crazy. What a huge experience and hassel. I'm glad you're able to find positive things about it! That's good you're all safe and sound in California now. So California law school! YAY! We'll for sure have to get together sometime!

Cindy said...

Wow, what a story and twist of events! I'm sorry it didn't work out in VA and that you had to come all the back accross the country within such a short time! Bummer! Did you guys sell your house? How fun to be in Ca though. Good luck on house hunting. Are you guys trying to buy again? Good to hear you all are well. Miss ya :(

Cindy said...
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Meghan said...

Oh my goodness - what a crazy past couple of months for you! Good for you for standing up for what you felt was right, even if it meant moving across the country again. We wish you all the best in Sacramento! We have loved our time here in San Jose and northern CA, but are actually moving ourselves in the next couple weeks. Best of luck to you!

alese said...

Crazy! You guys are having a bizarre summer! Don't you hate unethical business people. We run into them a lot! Glad you are safe and where you want to be.

shani-o said...

Sorry to hear you guys had trouble, but I know things work out the way they should, and now you're back in California. (I'll actually be there in a few weeks, we should catch up!)

Michelle said...

Wow, I feel out of the loop, I hadn't heard any of this. Bummer, but way to move on and keep going. California is way cooler than the East coast anyway!