Monday, May 18, 2009

Beating the Heat

We got to go to fun BBQ last week at a local spray ground. Our friends who are graduating 3rd years planned it as a kind of going away party since they are all moving. We miss all of you guys! Thank you for making the transition into law school easier for me and for all of your help. Mostly, thanks for being my friends this past year.

The girls had a grand time running through the water and playing with their friends (and wandering away from me... it was pretty crowded and we had a few scares when we couldn't find Natalie). Joe had a final and couldn't make it.

I love the pure joy captured in this picture (too bad she's blurry)

Elizabeth playing in the spray
(Notice the girl in the background with her same swimming suit)
Running around with friends

We've been swimming a lot lately, too. It has been really hot. One day I just let them run around in the sprinklers. I need to let them do that more often. They love it and could do it for hours.

Also, I wanted to record some moments in the past couple of days that I've loved. During church yesterday, Elizabeth was being very snuggly with me and sat on my lap for awhile. I was really enjoying it and thinking about my job as her mother. I told her that I hoped I could be a good mommy to her because of what a special girl she is. She then told me, "I love you, Mom, no matter what." It was a sweet moment for me. She is such a loving girl and is so good at expressing her love to lift those around her.

Today Natalie fell off her chair at lunch and bumped her head pretty hard. I was holding her and trying to calm her down. Elizabeth was trying different things to cheer her up but none were working. I asked her if I could get her anything and she just asked so sadly, "Mommy, can you help me feel better?" It was one of those heartbreaking moments when I wanted so much to take the pain away but I couldn't so I just tried to do my best to comfort her. It's moments like that where I realize how much our Father in Heaven loves us and how much he wants us to turn to Him for comfort. It is so hard to watch your children suffer, even from a little bump, but I know that all suffering can teach us and help us draw closer to God.

Finally, I realized the other day that I haven't posted any ultrasound pictures of our little guy. This picture is one that I didn't fully appreciate for awhile. When the doctor was doing the ultrasound, I kept hoping that he would switch to 3-D to get some pictures since they had done that at our last ultrasound. We especially got some good looks at his face but they never switched to 3-D. I was kind of bugged. After seeing this one on our fridge for awhile, I was finally able to appreciate what a cool picture it is, 3-D or not.

We can't wait to see what his little face looks like outside of my tummy. Hopefully we'll eventually figure out a name for him, too. Joe and I were brainstorming last night and seriously couldn't come up with any that either of us really liked. It's frustrating for me to not even have any possibilities. I don't know why boys names are so hard for us. Oh well, I'm sure we'll figure it out when we need to.


Stephanie said...

Boys names are really hard! Check out a book or something...I have a few boys names I like but I don't LOVE them, you know?

That story about Natalie made me cry a little! That's so sweet she asked you to take the pain away! If only we could, I know you would!

Yani said...

Ashley,, I loved your post thanks for sharing those sweet moments with your kids! I have a nice book for names you can use. It is so hard to find cute names for boys..

Marjorie said...

That park looks the coolest. I think I'd be right in there with the kids! As for boy names we've always struggled but here are some of my favorites that we won't use because Chris doesn't like them enough: Scott, Jason and Kevin. Oh and Riley (I know this is a girl name too but I love it for a boy but Chris doesn't like it because it's a girl name as well.) Good luck and if you find names you like but can't use cause Joe doesn't like them send them my way:)

Angela said...

For some reason I cared more about what we were going to name our little boy than the girls. I didn't want it to be too cutesy for when he got older, and I didn't care for the spanish version of boy names as much as girls name, Jose and Fredrico just didn't do it for me! I tended to like the traditional names more for boys like David, John, Daniel,etc, but Moe is really into unique names. We had narrowed it down to Spencer Morgan and Micah Preston/Weston. I just really liked Micah...I'm into what names mean a lot and Micah means "who resembles God". I REALLY liked that meaning, if there was anything I wanted my son to resemble, it was God. Good luck, you'll figure it out and find something you both like.

Unknown said...

such cute suits.