Monday, May 11, 2009

Grandma time, haircuts and Mother's Day

The girls and I took a trip up to Greenwood last week to visit my mom. She has been staying there while my parents' house is being remodeled. We had such a great time with Grandma and Joe appreciated the uninterrupted time to study for finals.

We mostly just relaxed but we also went on walks, ate good food, and let the kids play in the hot tub. Here's some pictures:

Elizabeth is in a major posing phase right now.
I thought this one was pretty funny:

Posing again with a thumbs up
This is what happens when I tell Elizabeth to put her arm around Natalie.
What can I say--Natalie likes her personal space.
Much happier with Grandma in between them

We had such a fun time. Thanks again Mom for being so good to us!

I also cut both of the girls' hair the other day. It was Natalie's first hair cut. It was a pretty difficult process for all of us but we survived somehow and the haircuts aren't too horrible. Elizabeth was upset with how short her hair was even though she was the one who suggested cutting it shorter. I think she likes it now, luckily.

I thought this series of pictures was kind of funny.
Once again it illustrates Elizabeth's love for posing.
I love these little beauties
I had such a nice Mother's Day yesterday, too. Joe made me a yummy breakfast and the girls sang to me and made me cards. Elizabeth's card was so cute so I scanned it in:

The front of the card (us holding hands)

The inside:

My thoughtful girl posing again, this time as a favor to mom

I am so thankful for my girls. They make me so happy every single day. I can't imagine life without them. I really am so lucky to able to spend every day with them. I'm so thankful that they love me so unconditionally, even when I'm a grouch. They have taught me so much about pure, Christ-like love. I'm so thankful to be a mother and to have another little one growing inside of me.

I'm so thankful for my mom. I have the best mom in the world. I really do. I'm so thankful for her love and confidence in me and for all that she teaches me even still. When we were putting the girls to bed last night, they were asking for stories and I decided to talk about some memories with my mom when I was little and then Joe talked about his mom. Joe mentioned how he always loved the song "Love is Spoken Here" when he was young and especially the beginning part about the mother praying for her family. He felt like that part described how he felt about his mom perfectly. I always felt the same way, too. I am so blessed to have a wonderful mother and mother-in-law, as well as grandmothers and so many other amazing women in my life. I hope I can live up to their examples.


Jackie said...

You're such a good mom! Elizabeth looks so much older all of a sudden! As always, love the pictures and how cute your little girls are.

Nilsens said...

Your girls are so big and beautiful! Wow, Ashley, I can see both you and Joe in them. Thank you so much for taking care of Jacob (btw, I'm the only one who calls him that- he is still Jake to everyone else). He said he had a great time, and seeing your family just helped him miss his girls too. Glad you found us and I am looking forward to checking up more later. Congrats on the pregnancy. You are in our prayers.

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Congratulations on being pregnant...and with a boy!!! I'm sorry about some of the miserable-ness of the pregnancy. Your girls are adorable!

Stephanie said...

Great job on the haircuts! Elizabeth's IS short but really cute! You were brave. You hit it on the nail by saying kids love us unconditionally. They are the best!

Unknown said...

you are such a good mother, Ashley. I genuinely treasure the moments I have had to see you with your family in action.