Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Adventures in Negotiation

I wanted to remember this:

Elizabeth and Natalie both got suckers from their Halloween candy one day after lunch. Elizabeth was working hard on Natalie to give her a taste of her lollipop. She always does this and pretty much always wears Natalie down and ends up getting her way. I'm always telling Natalie she doesn't have to but she is very much a peacemaker in this way and I shouldn't fault her for it, I suppose. When Natalie finally relented this time, Elizabeth ended up biting a piece of her lollipop off instead just taking the lick. Natalie was upset of course and since this was the second time this had happened in a matter of days and she knew better, I told Elizabeth that she needed to make it up to Natalie somehow. I think she must have genuinely felt bad since she decided to switch lollipops with Natalie and take the broken one herself (all you germophobes out there are probably cringing over all the germ-swapping but hey--they're siblings).

Things were going fine from what I could tell until Elizabeth must have decided she regretted her decision and started trying to talk Natalie into switching back. I only heard bits and pieces here and there but I could tell Natalie wasn't going to give in easily. Finally, I looked over and they had indeed switched back. As soon as they were finished, we were getting ready for nap-time and Natalie said something about sleeping in Lizzie's bed (they have bunk beds and Elizabeth sleeps on top). Elizabeth started throwing a fit over this saying she didn't want the bottom bunk but then it came out that she had promised Natalie to switch beds if she traded her lollipop. We (well, I) decided that Natalie would indeed get at least one night on top but not immediately (since it takes about an hour to switch their piles and piles of stuffed animals and blankets and I just wanted her to go to sleep right then). She was upset about this and was crying about it.

Before going to sleep, she said to me, "You should have named me Elizabeth." I asked her why, wondering if she had suddenly decided she didn't like her name or something.

Then she said, "Because I really want that bed."


Tiffany Kadani said...

Laughed out loud at this story! Children are so good at pointing out the obvious. But you're right, you definitely have to have negotiation skills to be a parent.

Lisa said...

I love it! It reminds me SO much of Em and Abby at that age and now as well. They are so much alike. Abby is the total peacemaker and always trying to do whatever Em asks. Just this weekend she emptied all of Em's dishwasher because Em said she would play whatever she wanted with her if she did.

Jordan and Luci said...

hahaha! That is hilarious! I love it!

Brooks and Andrea said...

That is so cute. Kids say the funniest things.

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

That's so funny! Thanks for sharing.