I was listening to the talks in church today on fathers and feeling so grateful for all of the righteous fathers I have been surrounded by in my life. I am especially thankful for my own dad.
My dad did/does an excellent job of making me feel important and loved. One thing he has always told me is that he's so grateful that he gets to be my dad. I'm the one who's most grateful, though. I was definitely "born of goodly parents".
My dad is full of faith and willing to serve however the Lord would have him. His faithful example has profoundly affected my life. Being the youngest by 4 years, we had a few years just my parents and I. I remember having scripture study with them or having family prayer and just hanging around to talk afterward about some gospel principle or even something not gospel-related. These discussions around the coffee table are some of my fondest memories and where many seeds of faith were planted for me.
My dad is a fantastic grandpa! His grandkids all adore him. Just look at this picture:

I also have a wonderful father-in-law. I really lucked out with my in-laws. They are all great.
I truly respect and admire my father-in-law. He is a great man and he has raised 5 great sons. That shows you the kind of father he is right there. He is loving, compassionate, fun and also full of faith. I am thankful for his example to us and for the way he offers unconditional love and support.
He is also a wonderful grandpa. On Christmas Eve, he read all of the kids a really cute story about family being the best Christmas present:
I truly respect and admire my father-in-law. He is a great man and he has raised 5 great sons. That shows you the kind of father he is right there. He is loving, compassionate, fun and also full of faith. I am thankful for his example to us and for the way he offers unconditional love and support.
He is also a wonderful grandpa. On Christmas Eve, he read all of the kids a really cute story about family being the best Christmas present:

I don't know if you'll see this but...I love you, Tom!
I'm glad it didn't take you too long to warm up to me! :)
(Just teasing of course!)
Last but not least, I'm thankful for the wonderful father of my children. I knew he would be an amazing father before we were married. It was one of the things that attracted me to him. And, he certainly has been.
Here's the proud daddy with the 3 beautiful babies, from oldest to youngest:
Here's the proud daddy with the 3 beautiful babies, from oldest to youngest:
He is a dad that tries to wake his kids up while they're sleeping to get them to talk to him.
He makes sure we remember to read our scripture stories every day.
He sets the "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck" rhyme to music and does a fake Irish dance around the house singing it, while his girls laugh and follow in a line behind him. :)
He delights in teaching his children about the world. He teaches them to have compassion for others.
We sure miss him.
Only a few more days! He will be home late Thursday night, barring any delays or other circumstances. We'll have to have our true Father's Day celebration then...
We love you, Daddy!