Saturday, June 12, 2010

12 More Days

I need to catch up on all of our little events, mostly for Joe's sake. I know he misses being a part of the daily happenings so I think he will enjoy this. :)

We just got back from spending some time at my parents' house. We stayed over Friday night and enjoyed some swimming today. The pool was still fairly cold in the morning but that didn't stop the girls. This is them at about 9am:They were having great fun until they realized how cold they were. We came in for awhile and went back out later.

Much better

This was Nathaniel's first time swimming. He wasn't a fan of the cold water but sort of endured it for awhile. Looking at these pictures, though, you'd think he had the time of his life. He's such a smiler, it's not hard to get great pictures of him:

I love how he's just kicking back in his float:
My mom took a bunch of pictures of the two of us and wouldn't you know it, my eyes are closed in every single one. I have a gift for that.

I thought this one was pretty funny, though.
I think we had just gotten splashed by Elizabeth:

We had such a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you so much! It was very rejuvenating for me.

Natalie took a pretty bad spill last week and she wanted to take pictures for Daddy:

Here's right after it happened:
She was just walking down our front steps and slipped. I took another picture the next day since it just kept looking worse...

It looked even worse when it scabbed and we got tons of remarks about it everywhere we'd go. So many that she began to get self-conscious about it. We were in line at Costco on a busy day and I looked over and saw Natalie with one hand covering her forehead and the other over her nose. It was so sad. I told her how beautiful she was and that owies are nothing to be embarrassed about and that seemed to help. She was happy when the scabs finally fell off today. Hooray!

Speaking of Natalie, I guess it was a rough week because I discovered this on Thursday:
It might be hard to see but that is pen all over our piano. On EVERY key. Oh it was so frustrating. This girl should know better. The magic eraser helped but you can still see the lines. She is now in the middle of her punishment: a week without coloring of any kind (except on her Magna Doodle). This is hard for her and I am hoping it will prevent her from doing anything like this again.

On a lighter note, one morning Natalie was whining to me about "watching a show" (she is a "show"-aholic) and she suddenly stopped and calmly asked, "Wait--what was I whining about?" I laughed a lot and said, "If you can't remember, maybe you should stop." She proceeded to scowl at me for laughing. Heaven forbid I laugh when she says something funny. :)

Elizabeth is entering another endless-question-asking stage. The thing right now is that most of her questions come from completely out of the blue. Sometimes I can trace back her thought process and figure out what she's talking about but most of the time I say "What?" and ask her to clarify, to which she repeats the same question over and over in frustration like I should know exactly who "she" is or what on earth she's referring to.

Tonight as we were getting ready for bed, she asks me out of nowhere, "Why did he want his teeth for Christmas?" ??? I did recognize the reference to "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" (did you?) but had to laugh in wonderment as to how her mind traveled to that thought, especially in the middle of June. She makes me laugh.

This boy makes me smile...(I really need to stop referring to him as "the boy". I think I noticed him answering to it the other day. Oops.)

The above picture was taken one night when he just refused to go to bed, for some unknown reason. I finally gave up and put him down to play and he was just happy as can be. So proud of himself for getting his way and wanting to spread the joy. It worked--he melted me. He did eventually go to sleep, luckily.

He has some pretty awesome hair, too...
I noticed this poking out the other night and couldn't resist a picture...

Baby feet: one of the best things in the world.

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