Wednesday, October 6, 2010


After listening to President Monson's talk, I feel a great need to count my blessings. Do you ever have those moments where you feel completely overwhelmed with gratitude for your blessings and also just feel like a complete shmuck for not feeling that way all the time? I had one of those moments last night. I want to hold on to that feeling more. Even after the immense gratitude of last night, I wasn't a perfect mother today. I didn't treasure every single moment with my kids. But, I was a little better and it made a difference.

So, I am thankful for....

...cooler weather! Hooray! It has been so nice lately. I want to go to the pumpkin patch, rake some leaves, put on a sweater, bake some apple pie, etc., etc. health. Sure, I get tired a lot. I was talking to some friends the other day, also moms to young kids, and came to the realization that most everyone at this stage in life is tired. Still, I have the energy to do the things I need to do. I do not have to deal with any significant pain or sickness right now (knock on wood!) and that is a big blessing.

...Joe. I truly am. He is wonderful and I am thankful for his example and strength. That is all. He does not approve of blog-PDA. :)

...General Conference. It was just the boost I needed. I'm thankful for the Spirit that spoke to my heart: "You are loved", "You are doing great"... but also... "Be a little better" and "You can do it, but only with help from the right source." And especially: "Remember what's really important and focus on that each day."

...3 beautiful little kids who give my life a purpose and depth I never thought possible. The joy they give me each day is immeasurable. How can I ever repay them for that? How can I ever repay my Heavenly Father for entrusting them to my care? I can't. I'm thankful to be a mother.

That's all for now.


CHELZERS said...

So true, Ashley!! I am overwhelmed with guilt almost every day for not repaying Heavenly Father for the blessings that I've been given. I owe so much---And I feel I'm never going to repay the debt. But I guess all He asks for is to try. I just need to try harder! Thanks for being a good example and one of my blessings in life! :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Ha! He does not approve of blog PDA- that is hilarious! I think you should do a "Why I love Joe" post and name every single thing he does that you love. Haha, just kidding.

And I loved that talk also. It was kind of an epiphany moment when I said "Wow, happiness in this life really is simple."

sally said...

I love how you described the joys of everyday mothering. You are such a sweet mother Ashley...your family is very blessed to have you.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for cooler weather too. And pumpkins. And herbal tea. And tomato soup. I LOVE fall.

I am also grateful for good friends, of which you are one of the dearest.

And on my mission I decided that there would probably be two constants in my life: I would always be tired, and I would always carry a bag. Both things seem true for pretty much every stage.