Monday, April 18, 2011


This girl is getting older. She is already very concerned about what her friends think of her. A few weeks ago, we were driving her to school one morning. We were almost there and Simon and Garfunkel's "I Am a Rock" is on (Natalie's request, by the way). Elizabeth suddenly asks me if we can turn the music down so her friends won't hear it when she gets out of the car. What's so embarrassing about Simon and Garfunkel? :)

Flash forward to just last week. We are once again driving to school. Elizabeth is absorbed in a book she brought along to read. Without even looking up from her book she says, "Can we turn the music off? I just want to talk about things." I laugh and ask her what she wants to talk about and the truth comes out: she just wants the music off when she gets out. I oblige...but then crank it up loud as she's getting out. :) Don't worry--even then I don't think anyone could hear it and she took the teasing well.

Also last week, Joe was singing or dancing or doing something (I can't remember what) and then somehow we got talking about being embarrassed of him. Joe asked Elizabeth if she would be embarrassed if he did that in front of her friends. She replied, "No. As long as they didn't know you're my dad."

Despite her embarrassment of us, we sure love her. :) She is a good example to us. She loves to read those children's scripture stories at night in bed and managed to get through all four books in about a month. I think she now has a clearer picture of the Old Testament then Joe or I do. Wanting to still encourage her voracious reading and thinking the actual scriptures might be a little beyond her comprehension, Joe found President Hinckley's book Way to Be and gave it to her. She is now a few chapters into that.

One day she asked for paper and a pencil during quiet time. I went back into that room later on that day and found this on the couch:

I also had a birthday recently (no pictures and not really worth its own post but it was a great day). One of Elizabeth's gifts was this song she wrote out for me:

I'm so lucky to be this girl's mother.


A Roper said...

Such sweet notes! :D

Whit K said...

Man I miss being your girls, you never know what fun things will come out of their mouth!

Jaime said...

Wow that girl is amazing. She is so smart. That is so funny about the music, I laugh and laugh.

Whit K said...

So, this is Justin. Whitney insisted that I read this post before going to bed. It was well worth the read! May I just say that "I miss being your girls" too! Whitney noticed her typo above and is mortified. P.S. Whitney and I were talking the other night about who we would want to raise our daughter if something were to happen to us, and you guys are the winners. So, if you get a strange call from a police or medical staffer in Utah on a weekend night just know that at least one bundle of joy is on the way, hopefully with some life insurance payout attached. HaHa, but no, seriously. Love and miss you guys!