Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Utah/Idaho Swing

We had quite the epic Utah/Idaho adventure. We were all over the place, mooching food and lodgings off of unsuspecting family members. Just kidding--they invited us. And it was wonderful seeing everyone. Once again I was terrible at taking pictures, but I do have a few to show for it.

First we stayed at Chris and Regina's. No pictures... but much fun was had, and much referreeing was required due to these two troublemakers:

They are cute, though.

That picture was taken at our next stop: Grandpa Tom and Grandma Lorna's house. We had a yummy Father's Day dinner and other fun times. While there, Elizabeth lost her very first tooth! It was an exciting moment for the whole family. It was really loose and she came over to show me. I asked her if she wanted me to pull it and I did. It came out so fast she didn't mind a bit. Natalie was just as excited as she was to put it under her pillow. In fact, apparently Natalie was the first one to spot the dollar the next morning. I can't believe my daughter is losing teeth!

Our next stop was down to Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake to meet up with more family for a picnic. That was a fun park. The girls loved all the cotton in the air. I tried to get a picture that showed it but it didn't really work:

We got to spend some more time with this cute little guy:
Joelle, Jace & Elizabeth
The kids had fun climbing these pole things:
Collecting cotton
Next up, we got to visit Brad & Kelli and boys. The only pictures I remembered to take were these, on the way to their house. It was the one and only time they were all asleep in the car:
We loved playing at their awesome house. The girls especially loved their new lab puppy Maya and the golf cart rides. We can't wait to see them more next week at the Allen family reunion.

We stayed at Jon & Jaime's house, too. Again, much fun had by all, as this picture demonstrates:
Then, it was up to Idaho to stay with Grandma Marsha for a few days. She really spoiled us. The kids loved playing in her little wading pool, where I got this cute series of pictures:

We had a fun visit with Great Grandpa Hall one night. Here are the girls showing off their reading skills to Grandpa:
After that, it was over to Albion, ID, for the Atkinder...

This is the only picture I have--Elizabeth on her first motorcycle ride with Grandpa: We met up with Joe and then he came with us to the Atkinder. It was so wonderful seeing Daddy again! Two weeks apart was too long. Two and a half week away from home was too long. Still, we did have fun.

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