Monday, September 24, 2012

Baby Boy

I have been really slow about updating the blog with the latest pregnancy news.  We found out at the end of July that we are having another boy!  Just last week I had another ultrasound and we got the above shot of his face.  I love to look at it.  I don't know--but I think he's going to be pretty cute.  :)

We're really excited to have another boy.   We'll even the gender score in our family and I'm excited for Nate to have a little brother to play with.  He's really excited about the baby.  I am constantly amazed at how aware of it he is.  He is always talking about when the baby comes and the things he'll do with the baby.  He'll point to an empty seat around our table and say, "That's where the baby can sit!"  He'll be a good big brother.

Elizabeth and Natalie are both really excited for the baby to come, too.  They like to think of names and talk about how they can help me when the baby is here.  I know they will be big helps.  They love to try and feel the baby kick, too.

Everything is progressing normally so far with this pregnancy.  No problems yet.  The doctors are always looking at the blood flow to the placenta and so far it looks great.  We're hoping this boy takes after his brother and goes full term. 

Starting up the shots again was hard this time.  I think because I wasn't feeling mentally prepared for it at all.  I started trying to visualize having a little baby in my arms as a result of all this and that helped a lot.  It's no big deal now.  The kids like to watch me do them.  Nate keeps on top of me pretty well and always talks about how the shots are one of my jobs.  Just today as he was riding his bike to the park he mentioned that "You have your shots to help the baby be OK."  He seems to get it really well. 

I got pretty sick during the first half of this pregnancy.  It was totally different though.  I have only thrown up one time this entire pregnancy.  That is really weird for me.  But, I just felt so nauseated all the time, especially at night.  I got to where I just wished I could throw up.  I always felt better after I'd throw up in my other pregnancies, at least for a little while.  Anyway, I know some women have it way worse--like being nauseated and throwing up all the time--but it was interesting for me to learn how terrible it can be even if you're not throwing up at all.  It's so weird how I've been sick differently every time.   All I can say is, I'm glad to have it behind me now. 

I'm feeling pretty big this time around.  I'm going to put aside my pride and post a picture Nate took of me a couple weeks ago, just because I know someday I will miss this, and because I don't have any better shots right now:
That is with 3 months to go! The doctor said I was measuring kind of big, too.  This may be our biggest baby yet!  We sure can't wait to meet him. 


Janelle said...

What a cute belly! More pics please :) And pictures of the new house!!

Jordan and Luci said...

Hooray! And you are not huge at all! Nate is going to be such a cute big brother and how are your kids all so smart? I need to be a better mom!

Marjorie said...

How exciting!!! Congratulations and I'm so happy everything is going well!!! What a lucky boy to come into your family! Seriously:) Good luck these next few months, not much longer!!!

Whit K said...

You look so cute! Not big at all, I'm like twice your size. Here's to hoping things keep going well for you and baby this pregnancy.