Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of School

We had a little bit of drama when we discovered that the school we thought was the neighborhood school for the house we bought actually wasn't.  We were zoned for a different school that is a bit farther away.  Luckily, it all worked out for the best.  I really like the school the kids are going to.  It's a bit smaller than some others around here and it has a good community feeling.  I've been impressed with the teachers I've met and the principal.

For about a week before we were able to move into our new house, we had to commute to school from Stockton.  No small task when you have a half-day kindergartner and a full-day 2nd grader.  It wasn't too bad, though, thanks to help from family.  I was glad they were able to start on time.  Now we're more settled and trying to get into the school routine.  We're still having a hard time with homework and getting everything down, no thanks to sickness that has been going around the family, but I'm sure we'll get there. 

Now, back to the point of this post---the First Day of School!

They were a bit excited:

 Natalie, especially, was so ready.  Her first day was like an orientation and they had parents stay at the school the whole time.  I think she was a little disappointed about this since she just wanted to be on her own.  It was kind of funny how little she cared that I was there.  Now that we've had a couple weeks of school, she's decided that kindergarten isn't quite as fun as preschool was.  You don't get to play as much.  I think she'll warm up to it more as time goes on. 

I want to remember one more cute thing... Joe gave the girls priesthood blessings the night before school started.  One thing he made clear in Elizabeth's blessing was that she is a daughter of God and He loves her.  I noticed after the blessing that she ran off to get something and I later saw her with a post-it note in her hand.  I didn't think much about it until a few days later when I found this in her backpack:

I SO love that she wrote it down so she could remember and that she keeps it in her backpack.  She is a good example to me. 


Tiffany Kadani said...

That is so sweet, I got a little emotional reading that. A very good reminder indeed.

Jordan and Luci said...

Ash, what are you having already?!?! Are you finding out? Are things going well this pregnancy? Your girls are so cute and your little boy is huge!