Thursday, January 31, 2019

Culture Night: Italy & Czech Republic

I need to do a quick Culture Night catch-up. First, we did Italy. We ended up inviting our friends the Karolys over for dinner so they joined us. Since they were here, I didn't get any pictures of dinner. I made homemade ravioli with a red sauce and stuffed artichokes. We did presentations after dinner and everyone loved Natalie's kahoot about Roman mythology:
It was a fun night.
Then, a few months later we did the Czech Republic which was Lizzie's pick. She had read a book about the Prague Astronomical Clock so she did her presentation on that:
I did language:
Natalie did food:
We had a Czech potato and pickle soup, and some sweet and savory buns--kielbasa and jam buns. Everyone liked those but the soup--not so much:
Next up--the Philippines!

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