Friday, August 23, 2019


We had another great season of baseball. Eli ended up playing his third year of t-ball since they didn't have enough players to field a farm league. So, he was a pro! He made a lot of progress on his throwing and catching this year, though. He and I did a game where he could earn gatorade by getting 5 and then 10 good catches and throws in a row. He eventually made it over 20 catches without dropping! He was on the Riverbandits this year and had a great new coach named Eduardo. He loved playing first base and got tons of outs. It was fun to watch how much progress he's made since his first year of t-ball. Hopefully, he'll be ready to go right to Minor B next year.
Eli's team:
Eli got to have a super fun swim party at the coach's house:

Joe ended up helping coach Nate's Minor A team this year, the Orioles. He didn't end up being on the same team as his friends, which he was sad about it, but at least he got to play them a lot. He would get really competitive with his friend, Carlo, and even caught a fly in the outfield to get him out. He had some great hits and battled fear at the end of the season after getting hit by some hard pitches. We were proud of him for getting back out there every time. He played a lot of 2nd base and outfield.
This was a really good double he got one night:
Their team struggled a bit but got some good wins.
Even though it's super hectic, I do miss watching the boys play when the season is over.

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