Monday, September 23, 2024


 October started with Lizzie visiting for Conference. She finished making a hat and scarf for Eve. Eve loved them!

Random picture from a picnic outside and playing on the trampoline. I do love this dog most of the time and how much he snuggles me:
More cute selfies:
My mom felt well enough to go to church again for the first time in a LONG time and I loved this picture they sent:
It felt like a miracle to me.
Sometimes I take pictures of Eve asleep during quiet time before I have to wake her up to go pick up the boys for music lessons.
Eve relaxing in the sunshine:
Our nice neighbor Donna gave Eve this little camping chair and she loved it.
We joined Jon and Jaime's family for a camping trip in southern Utah to see the eclipse. The drive down was pretty:
We stayed at a campground in our tent next to Jon and Jaime's trailer. The day of the eclipse we drove to a fun spot with lots of red rock to climb all over while we waited.
Joe climbed up really high with the boys:
Watching the eclipse was awesome. Here's a pic of everyone looking at it:
We explored other areas as well:
This was a scary land bridge but Eve went with Joe:
We also introduced Jon and Jaime's family to wolf 'em sticks and they were a hit!
It was a fun trip and we were thankful to Jon and Jaime letting us join them and take advantage of their planning with their friends.
Eve stayed dry at preschool and so I bought her a promised blue ice cream cone after at Arctic Circle:
Lizzie's choir at BYU had a performance that was streamed online so we could watch. It was beautiful and we loved seeing her:
Eve and I made Halloween sugar cookies one day:
We love when Lizzie visits:
Lizzie and Eve are "celery buddies":
We had our ward Halloween party and Eve was Princess Peach:
Eli was a James Bond-like spy:
Natalie starred as MacBeth in her high school's performance of it:
She did SO well! I can't imagine memorizing all those lines. Joe helped her a lot with line reading in preparation but most of it was all on her own.
Staying in character:
I was so blown away by her acting yet again.
We carved (and painted) pumpkins:
We went Halloween morning to watch Eli's school's Thriller dance. It was freezing but fun to watch him:
That night we went to Chris and Regina's ward's trunk or treat:
We also did some trick or treating in Stauffer estates with Regina and Maddie:

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