Thursday, February 7, 2008

Marjorie Pay Hinckley-isms

Soon after President Hinckley died, I went to the library and noticed that on their display shelf they had books about both he and his wife. I picked up the above book and loved reading it. She is such an inspiration to me and I'm grateful for her example of faith and Christ-like love. I wanted to post some quotes that I especially liked so that maybe it could help me actually put them into practice. These are related to motherhood since that is what I am in the thick of right now although there were many other topics covered.

"My mother taught me some basic philosophies of rearing children. One is that you have to trust children. I tried hard never to say "no" if I could possibly say "yes". I think that worked well because it gave my children the feeling that I trusted them and they were responsible to do the best they could." (pg 55)

One part that especially touched me (probably because this is a weakness of mine) was a portion written by a daughter-in-law of Sis. Hinckley. She talked about how her mother-in-law had told her to "just save the relationship" in reference to a difficulty with one of her children. Then she told a story of being in Boston on a hot day sight-seeing with the Hinckley family. One 2-year-old grandson stripped down to his diaper on the subway and despite several attempts to put the clothes back on, he would continue to take them off. Sis. Hinckley finally laughed and said "It's just too hot for clothes" and the little boy spent the day sight-seeing in diapers. The daughter-in-law continues:
"It was my first introduction to the Hinckley way of allowing each family member, whenever possible, to be himself. I was being taught that even two-year-olds have feelings that are important and respected." (pg. 56)

"It is the mothers of young children I would like to address first. These are golden years for you. These are years when you will probably do the most important work of your lives. Don't wish away your years of caring for small children. Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans. This is a time of great opportunity for you to build the kingdom. When you teach children to love their Heavenly father, you have done one of the greatest things you will ever do." (pg. 246-7)

I miss President and Sister Hinckley so much but I'm so thankful that I will always have their words to lift and inspire me.


Michelle said...

I love that book! Grandma Hall had it and I remember reading it at her house. So inspirational.

Cindy said...

What great quotes. That really makes me want to go check it out at our library. Thanks for the idea!

Zach Richardson said...

I was just checking out your family blog. I love this book. It has been awhile since I have read it. After reading your post, I think I might have to read it again!

Lisa said...

Thanks for reminding me what a great book this is. I need to dust it off my bookshelf and read it again! I love that Sis. Hinckley is so down to earth and so uplifting to mothers.

Stephanie said...

I love that last quote. I wrote it out and will keep it where I can read it everyday. Thanks Ashley!

Marjorie said...

l appreciated the quotes. I really don't want this time to go any faster! And your birthday cake looks great:) I love the blue!

Marjorie said...
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