Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baby Shower, Bike Rides and other stuff

My friend Amy threw me a baby shower not too long ago. She did such a great job and we had a lot of fun. I don't have very many pictures but I thought I'd post a couple.

Here's the babies we molded out of bubble gum:
My friend Chelsey surprised us all with her abilities. That pink one in the middle is hers.

Here's me opening a present:

Here's a bear my mom gave me purchased at the store named on the bag. We had to get a picture. :)

Thanks to Amy, especially, for the great shower and to everyone that came for the cute stuff. I got a lot of really cute clothes for this little boy and I can't wait to put them on him.

The other night we let the kids ride their bikes over to the park and then played soccer together. It was a fun night and Joe took some cute pictures:

The other night I was reading on the couch and Natalie came in with a doll stuffed under her shirt to "rest" with me.

Our big bellies
Of course Elizabeth insisted on being in some pictures, too:
I love this picture because she is making such a classic Joe face:

I also wanted to post some more funny sayings from the kids:

-I was asking Natalie to help clean up something and she said, "Sure, my majesty." Now she says this all the time because she likes the reaction she gets.

-One of my favorite things Natalie says that I haven't ever recorded is "Frosted Wini-Meats". That is one of her favorite cereals.

-One Sunday night we were playing this scripture stories charades type of game with the kids. They were loving it. Daddy and Natalie were getting ready to act out a story and Elizabeth turned to me and said, "I know, maybe it's Gone With the Wind!" I guess it made quite an impression on her when I was reading that book a couple of months ago. :)

-Last night for Family Home Evening we were talking about the importance of work and Joe was telling the story of the grasshopper and the ant. He actually ended the story with the grasshopper dying because he didn't have any food to eat for the winter. I was thinking, "Wow, kind of harsh, but I guess he wants to drive the point home" (he told me later he actually couldn't remember how it was supposed to end). Well, after telling the story he and Elizabeth had a conversation that went something like this:

Daddy: So, who was working hard?
Elizabeth: The ant.
D: What work was he doing?
E: Collecting food for the winter.
D: Who do we want to be like?
E: The ant!
D: What will happen if we don't work?
E: We'll die.

Oops :).

-Somehow we got talking about Elizabeth's future husband the other day. She said that he would definitely be nice and funny like Daddy and he "won't have a beard or a mustache." I think she developed this preference as a result of our Guess Who game which features some of the handsome guys with facial hair below:

Here's the crazy kids once again pretending to sleep (still one of their favorite games):

I thought it was cute how they were all cuddled up together


Jaime said...

That's really funny about the grasshopper story. It was fun talking to you the other day. And you don't look big at all by the way.

Jordan and Luci said...

Seriously Ashley, you look so AMAZING! You barely look pregnant! Why can't I be cute and pregnant? Keep us posted on the happenings. I've been checking your blog every day, just in case!

CHELZERS said...

so funny. yeah i wouldn't want to marry a guy with facial hair if he looked like THAT too! lol

great stuff.