Thursday, September 3, 2009

Overheard Conversation

We had Natalie's little friend Cedar over to play yesterday. He's a little blondie like her, they are the exact same height and they almost look like twins. It's funny because sometimes she insists that she only plays with girls but whenever she and Cedar get together they have a grand time, even if he is a boy. :)

Yesterday, Natalie must have been feeling extra girly. She put on one of her princess dress-up dresses and then this happened:

Natalie: Want to play princesses?
Cedar: No. Let's play catch!
(has a little football in his hand)
N: No. I want to play princesses.

C: Want to play princess catch?

N: OK!

They come out of the bedroom. Natalie is twirling around and singing "So This is Love" softly to herself. Cedar is trying to get in position so he can throw her the ball.

C: OK, now catch!

She catches the ball but is still in princess mode using her soft voice and saying things like "Isn't my crown the beautifullest?" The great "princess catch" compromise soon ends unsuccessfully and each goes their separate way.

I guess sometimes the gender divide is too big to bridge across.


Joseph A said...

Wow...this is good stuff. I wish I could have been there to see that one. Was she doing her soft-smile-while-blinking-slowly princess face, too? I love that girl...

Jackie said...

Or, you may find different gender issues once Baby Boy comes...

Mia is still not staying dry at night, so when we went to refill our stock of Pull-ups, she insisted she could NOT have and did NOT want princess pull ups. She's never gotten into the princess thing. I secretly wish for her to find princess playmates someday...I had to buy boy Pull-ups.

And, last night, Dallin came prancing downstairs in one of Mia's frilliest dresses that she absolutely REFUSES to wear.

What to do?

That was a cute story you posted. And, I'm so happy for you to have made it this far in your pregnancy....another miracle in a different way. Good luck with 3. I don't know that I'll ever make that leap.

Stephanie said...

This is my life. Except Emily doesn't sound quite as girly as Natalie without the influence of an older sister. Emily will just be playing soccer with princess shoes on or something strange like that.

Angela said...

I love it!