Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Countdown Begins

Well, we have a date set for this little baby boy to come, and it is less than 2 weeks away! Yikes! September 14th is the day. That will be at exactly 38 weeks. I really think I'm going to make it. Everything is still going great for the baby and I. The non-stress tests are going well, my blood pressure is fine, etc, etc...

I have also experienced my first contractions. I doubt you could even call them real contractions but it was a big deal for me so I'm counting them.

I have always wanted more of a normal pregnancy experience and now that I'm getting it I'm realizing it's not all it's cracked up to be. No, just kidding. I really am glad I'm still pregnant. It's just becoming difficult to do much of anything. It doesn't help that I haven't learned to adjust my behavior enough. I took the stairs up to my doctor's office today and barely made it. Tonight I made my favorite meal for myself (roast chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy) and ate way too much and paid for it afterwards. I went grocery shopping yesterday and discovered that trying to maneuver a broken cart full of food with two kids hanging off of it is not a good idea at 36 weeks. I seriously almost broke down crying right there in the street when I couldn't get the dumb cart over the speed bump to get back to the car. But I didn't, luckily :). Other than little things like this, I really do feel good, though.

It is strange to actually be preparing for this baby to come. I am going to pack a hospital bag for the first time. I've got the baby clothes all washed and ready and the crib set up. I may even try making some meals ahead of time and putting them in the freezer. Who knows how far my nesting instincts will take me.

I have decided to post a picture Joe took of me a week or two ago. I am really not a fan of it but I can recognize that someday I will look back at this picture and miss being pregnant. So, here it is:

13 days to go! We can't wait to meet you, little boy.


Jaime said...

So cute Ash, you look great. It does get really hard at the end. Good luck and I'm glad things are going well.

Marin said...

You are so cute! Oh we are just so excited for you guys!! We can't wait to meet little Mr. Atkin also!! Let me know if I can help out. I am willing to babysit at any time!! Your girls are so sweet and will keep Carden entertained! Also we can bring you guys meals!!! We are ready to help so don't hesitate to call!!!

Steph said...

I agree, you're so cute!

We're willing to help too! Just let us know!

How fun! I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad you get to experience this time, before the baby comes, since you pretty much know when he'll be arriving. Congrats for making it his far!!!

Mitzi said...

You look fantastic! (I love that shirt too...)
I'm glad that things have gone so much better for you this time. You're right though - the last stages of pregnancy are not fun. I remember calling Graham from the grocery story b/c I was freaking out - I thought Ellen was going to fall out of me I was SO uncomfortable. I can't wait to "meet" this little one!

Stephanie said...

WHY don't you get help at the grocery store?!?!? I always have people take my cart out if it's really full and I have both my kids. Anyways, I'm so happy everything is going well, and you are experiencing a normal pregnancy. I can't wait to hear how everything goes, and what you name him. Good luck the next couple weeks! I'm getting to the yucky feeling stage also. I'd like to lay in bed and read books for the next EIGHT weeks! HAHA! My kids are exhausting me!

Regina said...

It does get hard at the end. I love the picture it is great to see you all prego and stuff. You will love not having to deal with NICU. We love and miss you all.

Joanna said...

You look great! It's great to hear that everything is going so well for you with this pregnancy. Can't wait to see pictures of the little champ.

St. John, Jacque, Camilla said...

You don't know how nice it is that you never made it to 40 weeks that last month is terrible! It is all too fresh on my memory.