Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Pictures

Well, I have to post some more pictures of our handsome little boy. Especially because he already seems to be changing and growing. In fact, I took him in for his 2 week check up yesterday and he was 7 lb 8 oz already. He had gained 10 oz in a week! I'm trying my best to really enjoy this time while he's so tiny, even with the recovery and sleep deprivation.

Here's some my sister-in-law took for me when he was only a few days old

Here's some that are a little more recent. I love the different faces he makes. He also still has a good amount of the newborn hair (lanugo? something like that...) and it really makes it look like he has sideburns in some of these pictures.
Accentuating his lips
With Daddy
Saying "Ohhh"
With Mommy and Daddy
I think the consensus seems to be so far that he looks a lot like Natalie. He definitely has her up-turned nose. I still have no idea where that comes from.

I've been having some issues with bleeding from my incision this time around. It still hasn't resolved but the doctors aren't worried about it and I think it's at least almost done (hopefully).

Other than that things have been going pretty well. Little Nate hasn't been quite as easy-going the last few days. He's been having more fussy periods where he acts like he's starving but won't eat. The pacifier seems to really help at these times but for some reason I am hesitant to start giving it to him. I don't know why. I just have a gut feeling that he's going to become REALLY attached to it. The girls would take it but never seemed to care all that much and he seems different. Anyway, mostly for my sanity I have been caving and giving it to him so I'm sure that will probably happen. He is the third after all.

We've had so much help that this has really been very manageable. I think the girls must think that having a baby is the best thing ever with all of the fun they've had with grandparents, cousins, friends and not to mention the endless supply of cookies and treats we've been given :). Really, thank you to everyone who has helped. It has been a humbling experience for me and makes me want to always do my best to serve others. Thank you!


Michelle said...

So cute! Marsha is at my house right now and she was telling me what a rough recovery you have had. I am so sorry, c/s are so not fun! Rest, rest, rest, at least as much as your girls will let you!
As far as the binky goes, Rex wasn't into it, Sam was. Sam still has it at night. I don't care, it makes him happy and he sleeps like a dream!

A Roper said...

Liberty took a binkie at birth. Audrey started it at 1 year of age. Rose never took it. If I had my druthers, I'd have had them all take binkies from the beginning! :)

A Roper said...

P.S. CUTE pics!!!

CHELZERS said...

So cute. Adorable!

I would like to bring you guys some dinner sometime. What days are good for you? Also, the girls are welcome over here any time. We are all recovered from our colds. Let me know and we can make it happen! [hugs]

Stephanie said...

He's adorable!!! He does look like NAtalie, but a very boy version. I would let him have at the pacifier. Whatever makes your life easier right now I say.

W said...

What a handsome baby! So glad to hear you all are doing well. Boys are so fun!

Jordan and Luci said...

Ahh, he's so cute! I want to hold him. I hope you're feeling ok. You seriously desserve a trophy for going through all you do to have kids. Seeing pictures of him make me want another one...well, almost!

Katy said...

he is adorable!!

Nilsens said...

He is beautiful. That is awesome the girls got to visit you at the hospital. I hope your recovery goes well. My older girls are sick too and I am starting. I've had to use the "boogie-snucker" on Avery a couple of times and it seems awful. Choosing sleep or the pacifier? Give him the binkie:)

the author said...

Oooh. You have beautiful children. Thanks for blogging. :)