Saturday, November 19, 2011


Nate loves balls and he loves playing sports. We really haven't done much to encourage it except provide the materials. In fact, I feel bad that I haven't done more for all my kids. Not that I want to push them into sports. I just feel like Joe and I, being the reasonably athletic people that we are, should at least give them a base in different sports so they have more confidence if they do decide to pursue something. Plus it's just fun to play sports together as a family. I feel like I had all that built in since I had an athletic older brother to try to keep up with, and I was thankful for it.

Anyway, here are some video clips of Nate. This first one was taken a few months back. Please excuse the lack of pants and the saggy diaper. That's the beauty of backyards, I guess. :)


Nate's favorite sport right now is probably golf. He loves hitting balls around the backyard and can do it for quite a long time...

He recently started playing with his basketball hoop, too, which we just moved into his room. I'm always impressed with how he'll miss shot after shot without getting frustrated. He gets so excited when he makes one, though, and says "I did it!"

You'll have to forgive Joe for turning the camera part-way through this one...

1 comment:

Marin said...

WOW Nate is ON FIRE!!! He is ready for soccer and I can't believe his swing on GOLF!!!! What a stud!