Monday, November 7, 2011


We had a busy Halloween. Most of it was spent at the school/preschool for costume parades and Halloween parties. Sadly, I forgot to bring a camera to Elizabeth's parade. It would have been next to impossible to get a picture anyway since there were so many parents crowded around. I was impressed with the teachers' costumes. All the grades did themes and they were really creative.

Natalie's class did a little parade around the school.

Here they are heading out:
Nate insisted on holding Natalie's hand the whole time and it was sure cute:
After school I tried to think of something we could do to kill time that wouldn't involve eating all of the candy they had already acquired at school. So, we dressed up like mummies...
Getting out is the best part:
Elizabeth even wanted her face wrapped:
Then, in the evening we went trick-or-treating with some friends in their neighborhood. It was fun and I was impressed with the kids' stamina.
This guy refused to let anyone hold his candy for him:
It got really heavy, too, because people kept tossing huge handfuls of candy into his pumpkin.

Who can resist a chubby little monkey at their door?
Not many, it seems. :)
Unfortunately we didn't get pictures of the costumes until the night was over. That's why Elizabeth's wings are falling off and the fabric covering the design on Natalie's shirt had ripped off. Still, they are pretty cute...

A bat, a ping pong player, a monkey and a cat

I was the boring one who didn't dress up. Joe really doesn't like Halloween and balks whenever I try to suggest dressing up. So, I thought it was poetic justice when we found out that his firm is really big on Halloween and everyone has to dress up. His team went with this ping pong players theme (Joe even thought of the team name: The Intimmigrators--ha!). Unfortunately, he wouldn't let me post a hilarious video of him participating in the pie-eating contest. If you visit us, we'll let you watch the video. That's some good incentive, right? :)

I had to add this in....
My friend Janelle took this awesome picture:I just love that face.


Tiffany Kadani said...

We will absolutely make a trip out there and watch that video. Hilarious!

And I was boring, also. I didn't dress up- I hate dressing up.

Jordan and Luci said...

When can we come? I really want to see that video. Looks like you guys had a good Halloween. I liked that mummy idea too. My kids would have loved year.