Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am so behind. Here's an attempt to catch up....

We found out the weekend before Thanksgiving that JOE PASSED THE BAR! We had been fretting about this for 4 months. It's kind of impossible to describe the relief we felt. We all crowded around the computer to check the results. We were all excited and cheering when we found out. Nate got carried away in the excitement and yelled, "Daddy win! Daddy win!"

Joe opted out of an official swearing-in ceremony and just gave his oath to a notary public right in his office and then dropped his bar registration card in the mail. Apparently, you are officially an attorney from the postmarked date on the card. So, he dropped it in the mail and became an attorney. Weird.

It is so nice to be completely done with the law school/bar experience. We are so proud of Daddy!


Dione said...

So happy for you guys, you both put in sooo much work, congrats!!!!!!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Yay! I love that you all crowded around the computer to look. So happy for you guys.

Marin said...

YEAH!!! That is so AWESOME! I can't wait for that GOAL to finally be DONE!!! Hope we pass in Feb. Justin only missed it by a little and it wasn't even the essays that hurt him!!! So cross your fingers!! :)

A Roper said...

Congratulations!!!! :D