Monday, July 9, 2012

Lots of Changes

So--it's been about 2 months since I've posted.  A whole heck of a lot has happened.  Where to start?

Change #1:  Joe has changed jobs.  He is actually still working part-time doing contract work for his law firm, but he had a new opportunity open up and we decided to take it. 

Change #2:  This new opportunity is in Sacramento, so we have moved!  We packed up our house and moved away from friends we'd come to love in the bay area.  We're currently living at my parents' while we look for a house.  We are planning on buying--an exciting but exhausting endeavor.  We're hoping to find something soon.  We did love the bay area but we're excited to be back closer to family and where we can see ourselves staying long-term. 

Change #3:  We are expecting baby #4 at the end of December!  This was a bit of a surprise but we couldn't be more thrilled.  We're hoping we can have a repeat of Nate's calm, uneventful pregnancy.  I'll be returning to the doctors I loved in Sacramento--another benefit of moving back.

As you can imagine, it has been a stressful couple of months for us.  We've been so grateful for all of the help from friends and family, though, and we're excited for what the future holds.

So, now that I've laid all this out there, maybe I can go back and try to update the blog.  That is, if pregnancy sickness doesn't stop me... :)


Tiffany Kadani said...

Ashley! Can we go visit you in Stockton? Dinner date soon? PLEASE?

A Roper said...

Oh my goodness! So many wonderful things happening! Congrats on baby #4! And congrats on your move back to Sacramento! I must say I am a little bummed since I was just about to message you and tell you we are going to the bay area for the weekend and and wanted to stop by! :)Hope you find a house soon! Love, Amy

Steph said...

Congrats!! We are SO excited to have you guys back. Here. Close. Really close... as in same ward?!?! lol We love you guys!!

The Good Life said...

Yay!!! Sacramento is so much closer to us! Baby atkin#4! So exciting!

Whit K said...

What! What? I never would have guessed any of those things. I was thinking about you guys just yesterday wondering what you were up to. Congrats on the baby! We'll have twinner December babes. Here's to hoping there's no complications, we'll be thinking about you guys. How exciting!

Marin said...

WOW!!! SOOOOOOO EXCITED for you guys. December BABIES are the best!!! It is just a special time to have a baby in your arms as we celebrate Christ's birth. Ohh and I am actually a little jealous your moving back to Sacramento. Honestly the other day I was just getting sooo homesick to return back to Sacramento! We really miss it and everyone up there. Maybe we can make it happen in a year or two?!!!! But congratulations on all the CHANGES!!! We will be praying that everything goes well for your pregnancy!

Dione said...

Oh my goodness, congrats on the baby! Wahoo! That is exciting that you are moving back to sacramento..and buying a HOUSE, Awesome! Are you guys coming through Utah this year, its been way too long since I have seen you!

Amber said...

Congratulations on all accounts! Good luck on keeping up on the blog while pregnant... I'm just barely getting on that and I'm almost done.

Danny and Laura said...

Congrats on the move and the baby-to-come!! So exciting. Good to hear from you again.

Jordan and Luci said...

CONGRATS!!! That is so exciting! Can't wait to know what you're having!

sally said...

I'm so surprised by all this news and really excited for you Ashley. I hope all goes well, you have a very lucky baby...coming to such a wonderful family.