Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Primary Talent Show

Back in May (I think) our church put on a talent show for all the kids to participate in.  The girls were so excited about it and took forever deciding what to do.  They were all over the place.  Finally, (a few days before) Natalie decided that she would sing "Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime" by herself and Elizabeth decided she would play "Ode to Joy" on the piano.

It was so fun to watch them.  They both did wonderfully.  I was so impressed with Natalie's courage--going up to sing all by herself, and not even with anyone to accompany her.  You couldn't have paid me enough to do that when I was her age.  Here she is:
And here's the video we got of her:

This was Elizabeth's first time performing in public on the piano and she did a great job.  She played the song  perfectly and then I joined her and we played a duet.  We messed up a little bit on that part but that's OK.  During practice Elizabeth kept stopping when she'd make a mistake but during the talent show she just pushed through and I was proud of her for that.

(I was concentrating pretty hard :)

We were some very proud parents!
(Those still pictures are courtesy of my friend, Mary)

1 comment:

Jordan and Luci said...

AWESOME! That was seriously impressive, especially the solo! You have reason to be proud!