Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kids Activities

The kids have had some fun experiences lately.  Natalie got to go to a fun birthday party at a museum.  They took a quick tour and made their own art.  She had a lot of fun.  It reawakened the lover of fine art within me (thanks to my mom) and made me want to go back and spend more time there.  I do love museums.

Nate started his first real class: he's taking tennis lessons.  He did so great his first time.  He was following directions really well and didn't get nervous or shy.  His coach is very nice and he has a lot fun there. 

Joe and I took turns at the temple one Saturday.  During my shift with the kids, we ended up trying out a new children's discovery museum that was close by.  The kids had a lot of fun.

It was geared more towards preschoolers but the girls spent a lot of time in the art room:
Elizabeth writing her name backwards:
Nate did a great job writing his name, too:
Natalie's little creation:
Joe and Elizabeth went to a daddy-daughter dance put on by our church.  It sounded like they had a fun time.  It was princess-themed, which Elizabeth isn't so into anymore and I guess she refused to wear her crown.  But, they did have someone announcing the names of everyone as they came in and even playing a trumpet.  She loved that.  Mostly she loves time with Daddy.

We wrapped up the horseback riding lessons.  It was fun to see how much she progressed. 
Natalie and Nate fell in love with this cat that lived there:

The girls were both in the garden club at their school.  They seemed to really like it, even if they mostly just weeded every time.  They both still love gardening.  It was fun for me to watch them chomp on their fresh vegetables in the car on the way home after every meeting.  Someday we'll have a nice garden...
I love how their school is right on the edge of the country:
They got to make their own stepping stones that will go in the garden:

Just a few more days of school and then we'll be out for summer!  Hooray!

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