Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tagged Variation

I was tagged by Jaime but I had already been asked some of the questions on a previous tag so I made some changes.

1. What were you doing 5 years ago?
I was finishing up my freshmen year of college and getting excited to spend my summer back home in California. Although, as I wrote in my journal, I wasn't looking forward to the fact that there would probably be "0 date-able guys" there. Little did I know that I was to meet and get engaged to Joe that summer.

2. 5 things on my to-do list today?

-Go to book club (we read Candide by Voltaire)
-Take back a pair of jeans I bought for Joe that didn't fit; I think it's pointless to attempt this anymore
-Take the kids to the library storytime
-Start a new book (I will attempt to read Paradise Lost)

3. 5 snacks that I enjoy

-Cereal. If I'm too lazy to make something or if nothing else sounds good, I always eat cereal.
-Pizza bagel; self-explanatory and I think it's delicious.
-Goldfish crackers--as long as they're not stale. My kids don't mind if they are, though.
-Ice cream; the perfect night-time snack.

4. 3 bad habits:

-I used to bite my nails all the time and I still do sometimes but I'm a lot better now.
-Interrupting people when they're talking.
-Biting my lip.

5. 3 good habits

-Making the bed. For those of you who knew my in my youth (OK, pretty much up until a few months ago) this may come as a shock. I make the bed every day now and I must admit it's nice.
-Rinsing dishes right after I use them. I don't do this every single time but I'm pretty consistent. It saves a lot of energy later. There's nothing worse than trying to clean a cheese grater after it's been sitting in the sink forever and the cheese is dried on.

-Writing thank you cards. My mother instilled this in me and for the most part it's stuck.

6. Places I've lived:

-Stockton, CA
-Springville, UT
-Provo, UT
-Logan, UT
-Denver/Golden, CO (only for 5 weeks but we count it)

7. Jobs I've had:

-Office assistant (paper filer)
-Marketing assistant for a mall
-Marketing assistant for an independent study program
-Math tutor
-Collections agent for a payday loan company (not very fun)
-Goldfish box packager (temp job; and no it didn't destroy my love of goldfish (see 3d))
-Assembly-line worker for a fitness equipment manufacturing company (also temp job; possibly one of the worst days of my life)

8. 5 things people don't know about me:

-I have a legitimate fear of clowns. I think it's the eerie painted-on smiles.
In 6th grade, my friends and I started a little bell choir called the "Ding-Dongs".
-I hate mint-flavored chocolate and most things mint-flavored, especially mint-chip ice cream. Yuck.
-I grew up in one of the asparagus capitals of the world (we even had an asparagus festival every year) and yet I really don't like asparagus.
-I was carried by Ryan (see below), the winner of the first Bachelorette series that featured Trista (he worked as a fire-fighter in Vail when Elizabeth was born)
I now tag Luci, Cindy, Steph, Lorna, Nicole, Lisa, and anyone else who hasn't done this one and would like to.


Teagan said...

okay so I totally LOVE that picture of you girls with their heads together (the one were they was touching heads and laughing) PRICELESS!!!
and if I were there in the cold/snowy place I would be joining in with Elizabeth's game of finding all the blankets and snuggling in. She has the right idea!

Mitzi said...

I LOVE asparagus! Actually, I am eating some at this very moment. I had a craving for it, and we happened to have some in our refrigerator. How funny!

Jaime said...

Hey Ash,
Thanks for posting, I didn't know you were tagged before. I have only been a real blogger for the past bit.
Have a good one.
Oh hey, there is a fund raiser for the med/pa school that is a triathlon in April. You guys should do it with us.

Lisa said...

Yeah, I am still bitter over the fact that I didnt' get a glimpse of Ryan that night in Vail.... :)