Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Various Means of Having Fun

Elizabeth's new favorite game is to gather all of the blankets in the house into a pile and pretend to go to sleep. Natalie will join in, too, occasionally. I must confess that I don't mind this game as it requires me to rest, too. ;)

Sometimes a book will also be involved such as in this picture. For the record, she is reading Crime and Punishment upside-down.

Natalie loves to be at the piano, sometimes to actually play but mostly to push the various rhythm buttons. It then becomes interesting trying to play the children's hymns that Elizabeth requests with a Big Band rhythm. Here she is enjoying some rare alone time at the piano.

Luckily for me, we have a large, empty cupboard in our kitchen (it helps to have an unfinished basement to store all of our junk) that is a popular play area for the girls. This especially comes in handy when I'm trying to cook dinner, although it usually results in more fights than not over whether the doors should be open or closed. They can actually both fit inside fairly comfortably and it's funny to hear what kinds of noises come out of there in those cases.

Here are just some cute pictures of our girls:

Pretty blue eyes

Pretty smile


Jackie said...

You seriously could've been just describing my children to the tee. Thank you for this post to help me feel like my children are not so abnormal. Dallin has been piling every blanket he can find in the house and nesting for months. It's one of his favorite things to do! Mia NEVER gets to play the piano by herself either. And, certainly last but not least, why is it that there must be fights about doors being opened or closed? Fingers always get pinched and whatever the other wants, the other doesn't. Our latest is lights on/off since they can both reach the switches. Lol. Kids will be kids and it's good to know they're mostly the same across the board. Cute pictures of the girls, like always. I think Dallin and Elizabeth would be good buddies. I tried to get a video of him singing "Love at Home" to her after you posted her singing it 'cause he loves that hymn too, but he was being too silly.

Michelle said...

Love the pictures! I especially like the cupboard one! I wish I had a basement so I could have an empty cupboard. Great idea!

Lisa said...

It is so fun to see your girls grow up. The are so sweet. Your cupboard reminds me of when we used to have an empty one in our kitchen (before we accumulated so much junk!!). My girls use to do the same thing!

Jessica Davis said...

They are so cute, Ashley. I love the sleeping games too. I used to babysit my nieces and nephews regularly, and they always wanted me to be a sleeping monster that they would pretend to sneak around quietly. So I would just lay on the couch and rest for a while. No complaints out of me!