Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Good and the Bad

Well, law school has begun and Joe is in the thick of it. He's been very busy and I know it's just going to get worse. It's been a challenge for the girls and I (mostly me). I keep thinking that it shouldn't be this hard since the girls are pretty independent and I have a good amount of time to myself. I'm realizing that just because they are not little babies anymore, doesn't mean they aren't demanding in some ways. Every stage has it's challenges.

I've been having trouble with Elizabeth lately. She's entered a stage of being purposely disobedient and it's so frustrating. For instance, she snuck a cookie off the counter after I had told her not to and then when I caught her she tried to shove it in her mouth before I took it away. Grrr.... Another day she was purposely taking every toy Natalie picked up away from her just to make her mad. Grrr.... Another struggle I have been having with her is trying to teach her to obey quickly. She seems to have no concept of this and it is SO frustrating.

Natalie has been having problems with screaming again. She's also in that broken record stage of repeating the same thing over and over and over no matter how many times I answer her/ignore her or whatever. Some days it feels like everything that comes out of her mouth is either in the form of a whine or a shriek. It's not that bad, of course, it just feels like that sometimes.

So, now that I'm finished with that, I would like take note of some of the great things my kids are doing. Elizabeth is a really good big sister. She teaches Natalie all sorts of things and is always very kind in her teaching. She teaches her colors and letters and tells her what things are called. She also always helps Natalie take her shoes off when we come inside and never complains when I ask her to help Natalie with something. Elizabeth's favorite thing to do is to help Natalie say prayers and it's so cute to hear them. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a time when Elizabeth ever refused to share a treat with Natalie, no matter what it is. When they are given a treat, Natalie usually scarfs hers down and Elizabeth savors hers a little more. Then Natalie will ask for more from Elizabeth and she always shares willingly. It amazes me every time. I mean I'm an adult and I sometimes whine about having to share something with Joe. :)

Natalie is so sweet. She is already noticing more when she has hurt Elizabeth's feelings and she will say sorry sometimes all by herself. She loves her big sister. Elizabeth is still learning to ride her bike and she sometimes gets stuck and can't pedal. Natalie is always willing to run over and push her so she can get going again. Then Elizabeth will come and push her on her "bike" (just one of those ride-on baby toys). They love to play hide and go seek and ring around the rosies and dance to music together.

The other day, Elizabeth was wanting to help Natalie say a prayer but one of us was going to help her instead. Elizabeth said, "But she's my best friend!"

I hope they'll always be best friends. I hope that I can remember how special they are to their Father in Heaven and treat them accordingly.

Sorry for complaining and rambling. This has been therapeutic, though.


Lisa said...

They remind me of Em and Abby. Just wait until they are ages 8 and 10 and they team up on you, boycott dinner (happened just last week), or plot a scheme together. Ah-- the joys of parenthood. I must say even though some days are tough, I am so glad they are partners in crime. I always wished I had a sister like that.

I love that Elizabeth is so sweet with her treat sharing. I need to learn to be like that more. When there is cake around I am not so much like that!

Jessica said...

You are a trooper! It's amazing how you can get so frustrated about things and then when you think about all the wonderful , amazing things your kids do everything seems OK, and suddenly it seems like you have more energy to carry on. It is so nice to know that I am not alone in this battle of motherhood.
We miss you guys too!

Mitzi said...

I wouldn't want to share my treat with Joe either...just sayin'.

Nursemom said...

I can't remember how old Elizabeth is but Landan just turned 4 and he's totally in that whiny stage. He cries about EVERYTHING! I feel like I'm taking care of a 2 yr old. That is so sweet how they play together. So sweet. And there are times I've bought treats and not told Kevin so I didn't have to share. SHHHH...don't tell.

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

I'm feeling you Ashley! Somedays are worse than others, of course. It's hard when Brigham is so so busy and I feel like I'm literally stuck in this house with my mind wasting slowly away... But then there are those times when you're like, THAT'S why I'm a mom and that's why I love doing this. I wish we were moving really close to you guys and we could hang out all the time.

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Sorry, I went crazy clicking the "post comment" button. Haha! I'm so impatient with computers.

W said...

My kids have been doing the same things with being naughty. I could have written the first part of the post. It's so hard too because it gets worse when the husband is away. I always think they are doing so good and then Micah leaves and it all falls apart. They are such sweet girls. I wish it got better. Good luck.

Marjorie said...

Oh how I hear you all too well!!! Thank goodness good does come and it's not just bad! By the way, loved the videos of your girls!!! I can't believe Natalie can do all those things. I have to remind myself she'll be turning two and not one. Crazy!

Jaime said...

All of your frustrations sound too familiar with Joelle. I get so frustrated sometimes. I'm glad school is getting better, it's quite an adjustment. Good luck

Katy said...

Sorry about the law school thing. I wish I didn't know how you feel, but I do. It is hard but SO worth it. It has felt a little like a refiner's fire for me. I have learned a lot being a 'single' Mom in a way. But I have just decided that this is my job and law school is his right now and I want him to do it ALL THE WAY, so I should too. I have tried to jump in FULL FORCE and not look back. Since I started making this effort I have noticed that I don't count days until he will be home. I just live life... loving when he is here and loving when he isn't.
Your girls are darling... they are always perfect when I am around!! :)