Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fun with Google

My sister-in-law did this on her blog and I thought it looked fun. You just google the following phrases, in quotes, and put the first three results that come up (that make sense).

"Ashley needs"....
1)you like water in her lungs (I like that one)
2)to get something off her chest
3)to get herself an education

"Ashley wants"...
1)more hands-on role
2)marriage and children (in reference to Ashley Olsen, of the Olsen twins)
3)your money! (actually it said "Two-faced Ashley wants your money!")

"Ashley likes"...
1)vampires but not twilight (not true--I liked Twilight)
2)science! (also not true, unless you count math as a science)
3)Las Vegas (never been there, and don't really want to)

"Ashley hates"...
1)Walmart (kind of; if only the prices weren't so cheap!)
2)eating dirt (true)
3)bananas and coffee (coffee, not bananas)

"Ashley is"...
1)very much an internet professional (why thank you!)
2)alert and aware of her environment (sure)
3)a heavenly apparition (also in reference to Ashley Olsen but I'll take it)

Try it out! It's fun. I tag whoever has some time to kill and wants to do it. :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yeah! You totally are an internet professional. :) I like the money one. That's funny!