Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March for Babies

It's that time again. If you've been to our blog recently you've probably noticed the fund-raising widget on the side. I'm going to be participating in the March for Babies (formerly WalkAmerica) again this year for March of Dimes. It will be at the end of April.

I was brainstorming about ways to raise money this year, as opposed to my normal strategy of just begging friends and family for money, and have decided to have a good old-fashioned garage sale/bake sale. 100% of the proceeds will go to March of Dimes. So, if you live in the area and have any stuff that you don't have the energy to sell yourself or cart to Goodwill, I would appreciate donations of any kind. I haven't decided on a date yet but it will probably be on a Saturday at the end of the month or the beginning of next.

As always, monetary donations would be greatly appreciated, too. You can click on the box at right which will take you to my personal fund-raising page. From that page you can even click on "See more at my blog" to read about our experiences and why I care so much about preventing premature birth for all babies. Thank you so much for your support.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

We probably have some stuff we can donate for your garage sale. Let me know when you decide on a date and I'll make sure to get it to you before then.