Friday, September 11, 2009

No Baby Yet

It's Friday night and I am still pregnant. I don't want to jinx it but I think we will make it to our scheduled time on Monday afternoon.

We thought it might be earlier when the results of a blood test I had on Wednesday came back showing a low platelet count. I went in for another test today and if it hadn't stabilized they might have delivered him today. Luckily, it had so no worries. I also went in for the last non stress test today and the baby is still doing fine.

I have been cleaning and doing lots of random things to get ready. I'm making pretty good progress on my to-do list.

I have been having a hard time sleeping the last couple days but it seems to be mostly mental. I just can't get my mind to quiet down. I was pretty tired by this afternoon and took a good nap while Elizabeth played too many computer games during quiet time. I figure that I should get in as much sleep as I can before the baby is here.

Well, so that is our update. The next time we post will probably be with the announcement of our little boy!

I wanted to end with the lyrics to some songs the girls made up at bed time tonight. I wish I could have recorded them so I could remember the words exactly but I'll do my best to recreate them:

"Stars are Shining Brightly" by Elizabeth Atkin

Stars are shining brightly
And the moon is shining down.

There is someone watching you
He's always watching you
He never sleeps
He just sits and watches you
Heavenly Father hears you when you pray
And He's very far away
Nothing is that far away
And you can't get that far
Until when you die.

"Birds are Flying Around" by Natalie Atkin

Stars are shining down
Birds are flying in the sky
Birds are making their nests
Children are going to school
Everything is alright.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear everything is going well with the baby! Your little girls are so adorable, they're going to make great big sisters. Good luck!

Angela said...

How sweet are their songs, thanks for sharing. Glad you are doing great with the pregnancy--yay! You're smart to get a nap in while you still can :)!!

Nursemom said...

Good luck guys! I can't wait to meet your little boy

Anonymous said...

well today's the day then, hopefully (because it's monday)! we're having a boy too and he's still nameless. i poked on your "ducky's baby name suggestion" to see if it would give me a good one for yours or mine.
hmmph. i'll be thinking of you all throughout the day (although he's probably already born). congrants.
