Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I've been kind of down lately. I'm sure it's just normal hormonal stuff but I've had a hard time shaking it. Do you ever get in a funk where you can feel that you're choosing to be negative and unhappy and you know you should just let go of it all but you can't let go? That's kind of how I've felt. I feel like when anyone asks me how I'm doing or how Nate is doing all I talk about is the hard stuff because that is what I am focusing on myself.

To try and get over this, I am trying to make a concerted effort to be more grateful, especially with Thanksgiving coming up. And, it has made a big difference for me.

The girls and I are doing this fun Thanksgiving jar. We love it so far. Not only does it help us be more thankful, but it forces us to do fun, productive things every day.

One blessing is that the little one slept six straight hours last night! Amazing. I'm trying not to expect anything like that tonight. In fact, I need to get this done quick and go to bed.

Another blessing as of late is that he is trying so hard to smile. He hasn't grinned or anything yet but we are loving his little half smiles at us. Here's the best we could catch on camera:

Don't you just want to eat up that neck chub? I know you do. :)

Here's some more pictures, just because:

I really love this outfit with the cute little track pants. I am loving dressing a boy!

And finally... Natalie posing for the camera, too:
I am very blessed.


Mitzi said...

Ashley, I totally get into those funks too. I start pouting about everything that's WRONG in my life and then I get really bummed out. You sound like you already have some good solutions to give you the kick in the pants you need. One thing I do as well, just to let it all out is to watch a REALLY sappy movie that I know makes me cry. I cry much more than necessary, but afterwards, I feel a huge sense of relief. I works for me.

Hope you start feeling better!

(And yes, I DO love that neck chub! Ellen has thunder thighs and I love them. Dressing a boy is super fun!)

Yani said...

Ashley.. I hope you feel better. We all Moms feel like that, what it works for me Your family is so beautiful. I hope w well sometimes is eating lots of icecream ..Well I hope we can hang out again next year! I miss you

Marin said...

Oh yes Ashley, I agree with Yani about how all Moms must go through this and it seems always after birth. At least I remember feeling that way after Carden was born. You just feel like you do nothing but nurse and stress over the baby. I'm not looking forward to all the emotional ups and downs that come with having a baby. I really hope that I won't get too overwhelmed and that I will at least be more relaxed. I also hope that I get out of the house within a month. I just know that getting out helps a TON!! Let me know if you ever want to go meet up at the park or even go ANYWHERE!!!!

Michelle said...

I have felt this way many times, but realize that your body is going through a lot and your hormones are all crazy. I believe I have had PPD with both my boys but my Dr. only caught it with Sam. As mothers we try so hard to be infallible and hold it together but many times we can't control what goes on in our bodies. It may not just be your attitude, it may be chemical and hormonal. Just wanted to put that out there because it is hard to talk about or believe it may be happening to you.
If I am way off base just ignore, but take care of yourself. Happy mommy means happy children.

sally said...

Ashley - you are amazing...I love hearing about you and your family; I love the mother that you are...I love how hard you try to be good and a better person. You will feel better soon and your heart will be overflowing from all that gratitude. If all moms were as good as you - our world would be different and much better. I hope you get some sleep and some peace. love,sally

Tiffany Kadani said...

Uh... I don't hear any gratitude about how smokin hot you are after having a third child. I'm just sayin...

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

They're so adorable! I love chubby babies!