Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Atkin Camping Trip

We went on our second-ever camping trip this summer with Marsha and all of Joe's brothers. (Sidenote: The first one was when I was pregnant with Natalie and has since been named "The camping trip not to be spoken of". We decided to be brave and try again.)

It was a lot of fun, until....Natalie started throwing up. Sickness (and everything that goes with it) and camping just don't mix. So, we had to leave a little early, unfortunately. We still had a great time. Thanks everyone for making up for our lack of camping supplies/experience.

The kids had a blast.

Playing some sort of fishing game on this big rock:
Throwing rocks into this stream:
Trying to build a bridge over the same stream:
Enjoying the local wildlife:
(that's a little mouse)
Being with family:
Natalie and Uncle Richard
Elizabeth loved that she was old enough to go on a hike with the guys and the big kids:
Men in Nature

I loved having places to keep a wiggly baby:

Nate and Lily
We got to try out our brand new tent and it had this awesome room on the end (pictured above) that worked out great for the little ones. Camping with a baby is not easy. Good thing he's so darn cute.

Despite the troubles, we're not giving up on camping yet! One of these times we'll have a successful trip.

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