Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Living with Family

Our 6 week long experiment in living with family went really well (from our perspective... :). This would not have been the case if Jon and Jaime weren't so easy to get along with, but they are, so it was a lot of fun. Of course it's hard not being in your own house but there were a lot of perks, too. It was nice to tag team a little bit with watching the kids: taking trips to the store alone, exercising on our own (or together when the guys were home), having some help with the kids while you cook dinner, etc. Jaime helped motivate me to actually exercise. We jogged, swam laps, did yoga. It was great fun. My favorite parts were staying up late talking to Jon and Jaime, and having someone to chat and eat dinner with on nights when Joe got home late.

The kids loved playing together.
They loved being outside on the playset:

...eating outside when we'd let them:
...and going on walks:
Sidenote: Once, during all the playing outside, Elizabeth got a pretty bad mosquito bite on her forehead.
One morning she woke up looking like this:
Jon said that it reminded him of this guy:
I thought that was harsh at the time but after finding the picture I can see how he thought that... :)

Anyway, the kids also had fun taking swim lessons together. I loved that the lessons were so cheap there!
Elizabeth and Joelle are in goggles:
Randon (at left) and Natalie going around on a tube:
(I love how Natalie and that other boy totally look like they are about to fall out)

I thought this was a cute one of Randon:
The graduates enjoying their suckers:

One night we made pizza and decided to let the kids make their own. I was pretty amazed by their creativity:

I hope they all remember the fun they had this summer.
I know I will. We love you guys!

1 comment:

A Roper said...

Looks like you guys had such a great time! How fun!