1. I am definitely a reader. I've always loved reading. This is largely due to my mom who read to me a lot and help me gain a love for good books. Ever since I was a kid, the epitome of relaxation for me has been to be sitting outside reading. In fact I remember one time when I wasn't very old being so absorbed reading a Babysitter's Club book by the pool (I still remember which one, too: it was Logan likes Mary Anne :) that I got one of the worst sunburns I've ever had. Right now, I am reading Bonds That Makes Us Free by C. Terry Warner, upon Luci's recommendation. I would definitely recommend it.

2. I have a very random taste in music. I like a little bit of everything. I especially love Oldies and classic R&B but I also like some rock, hip hop, jazz, opera, classical, and even country now because of Joe's influence. I also know a lot of random music trivia. This is because of my dad always quizzing me on who was singing every song we'd hear during our long trips to different places (he knows a lot of music trivia). Joe also knows quite a bit of music trivia and I was able to impress him with my knowledge on one of our first dates.

3. When I'm pregnant I have to give myself shots twice a day as a precaution against blood clots. I've never had a huge fear of needles like some people but I was never able to watch as the needle went in. That is of course difficult when you're giving yourself a shot so I've had to overcome it. It wasn't easy when I first started doing it. I even sat on my bed for almost a half hour once trying to psyche myself up to give one (Joe was willing to do it for me but I had to get over the mental block myself). I still refuse to watch when they are taking my blood, though. I hate watching blood come out. (Shiver)

As for people who are tagged, let's try Kelli, Stephanie, Lisa, Cindy & Mitzi. Sorry, if you've already done it.