Friday, December 7, 2007

More Singing

Sorry but I had to post more of Elizabeth singing. I can't get enough of it. This one is "Love at Home". She's acting crazy and expressive in it because we had the camera turned so she could see herself sing. Anyway, here it is:

Also, I had to post another FEM. In order to get Elizabeth to finish her dinner, I frequently have to feed her the food myself with her fork. For some reason, she'll eat almost anything this way even if she hasn't touched it by herself. Anyway, I did this tonight (she finished her spinach salad!) and afterwards she said this: "Thank you for feeding me, mom. You're my best hero." I guess it doesn't take much to be a hero. :)


Anonymous said...

Landan is the same way. Although he'll eat broccoli by himself. Weird huh. He loves broccoli. Very lovely singing. Landan hasn't shown much aptitude for that at all. She's pretty good.


Michelle said...

Rex does the same thing with dinner, weird. Maybe it's the age? I love the video's of her singing. Rex sings all the time, but usually if I turn on the camera, he refuses to. Maybe one of these days I will get lucky.

Meghan said...

So cute! She's a great little singer - gets that from her parents I'm sure. :) I loved it when she got a huge grin on her face during "smiling sweet on every side." And the "your my best hero" comment warmed me all over. It's things like these that makes it all worth it!