Saturday, December 1, 2007

Events of the Week

This past week was another challenging one. On Monday night, we started noticing Natalie had a lot of gunk in her eyes. By the next day, she had full blown pink eye. Of course, around Wednesday night Elizabeth had a bad case of it herself, probably worse than Natalie's. Joe also ended up getting it, too, but I was lucky enough to avoid it. This, in combination with the fact that we've all had cough/colds as well and that Joe was very busy in school made it a difficult week. The only time the kids and I got out of the house was to see the doctor. It's been frustrating to be through our second round of sickness before December. I would just like to wake up in the morning feeling healthy again. I was strengthened a lot this week, though. I specifically remember one moment in particular where Natalie had refused to sleep and was cranky and not wanting anything I was giving her and sure to wake up Elizabeth from her nap with her screaming. I just wanted to lay down and take a nap. It was one of those moments where you think "I don't know if I can handle this." Somehow, very soon after this, Natalie calmed down and I realized that night that the rest of the day had gone pretty well. What a blessing! I'm so thankful for the little blessings during the day and I want to try to record these more and follow President Eyring's example.

Anyway, things seem to be turning around, especially for Natalie. She was very happy today which was a good thing since today is her first birthday! We are going to celebrate tomorrow since today was very busy. Joe had school stuff all morning and then he had to go to our ward Christmas party tonight since he was both singing in a musical number and the narrator for the reading of the Christmas story. I was sad that I didn't get to go watch him and see the party. It was a "Night in Bethlehem" complete with authentic costumes, food, etc., from the time period when Jesus was born. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Joe but he looked pretty good considering his costume was made up of things we could find in our house. Joe came home right after his part was done to avoid contaminating others. Anyway, that is why our daughter's birthday celebration will be delayed a day this year. I will devote my next post to Natalie's birthday.

We had a lot of sweet moments this past week, too. One day, Joe surprised me with this beautiful purple rose. What a wonderful husband I have! It's so nice to know that you are appreciated and loved, especially when you feel sick and gross and completely out of patience. I'm so thankful for Joe and how he's always so thoughtful and loving.

The next day, Elizabeth was talking about the flower and I said, "That was nice of Daddy, wasn't it?" She said "Yeah...that was a good choice" :). Can you tell we use that phrase a lot in our house?

We also made some brownies one day and Elizabeth thoroughly enjoyed cleaning up afterwards.

She looks like she belongs in a Zorro movie and the whisk is her sword.
"Just call me Lizzie de la Vega!"

We also awoke this morning to a winter wonderland! This is the view from our front door. The snow came down pretty much the whole day so hopefully it will stick around. Elizabeth was sad she couldn't go play in it today but we did manage to get some snow for her to eat which is the main reason she wants to go outside anyway :). Hopefully she'll feel well enough on Monday.

I also need to say...Go Cougars! They are now undefeated in conference play for two straight seasons. If only they could get things going a little earlier in the season. It's not looking like a BCS bowl is in the future this year but next year for sure!


Mitzi said...

Happy Birthday Natalie! I loved your comment about Zorro. I LOVE that movie. What a cool last name: de la Vega

Jessica said...

I know how you feel about feeling you cant do it. You are amazing because you do it and you have to children, I only have one and am always feeling overwhelmed. Its amazing how the Lord strengthens us in the such simple ways. Thanks for you thoughts!

Lisa said...

I love the picture of Elizabeth and the brownie mix. A girl after my own heart! :) Hope the kids are feeling better soon!