Things have been crazy here lately and I wanted to quickly update things a little bit while I have a chance. We are in the process of moving right now. There are boxes everywhere. We are doing the PODS thing so we are just waiting for some help to come tomorrow before we move everything that will go into storage for the summer into the pod. Then, we will pull a little trailer behind our car with the stuff we're taking with us. Our target departure date is Monday, although we could hold off a day if we had to. The big news is that we are no longer going to Michigan. We will instead be in Virginia this summer because of a change in sales offices. We're excited to see the east coast but not so excited for the even longer drive. We're taking a good-sized detour to see my brother in Wisconsin but we figure it's probably our only chance to go there and visit them. And, it will be good for the kids to have a break in between the legs of the trip. So, that is our news. The next post may be coming from Virginia! Wish us luck with our cross country drive with two young kids! (what were we thinking? :)
I also have to say congratulations to Joe for graduating with his undergraduate degree! He's done! (at least for the summer) And today we celebrated with a lunch at McDonald's. What a treat :). What can I say, the kids were antsy and needed to run around. It didn't help things that it was briefly snowing today.... :(
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Fun with Friends at the Mayan
The kids and I got together probably for the last time with our good friends before we all leave to various parts of the United States and Canada for school and jobs. We went to eat at the Mayan. It had a really cool atmosphere and even people high-diving into this little pool while you eat. The kids were alternating between saying "Wow!" and "I want to go home!" but I definitely enjoyed myself. Especially because of the chance to hang out with friends. I'm going to miss you guys!
I like this picture even though the lighting didn't work
Elizabeth is really going to miss her friend Maddie (hence the choke hold :)
I like this picture even though the lighting didn't work
The diving area
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
March for Babies
I will be participating in the March for Babies at the end of this month. I'm joining last minute since we found out that we will be leaving for Michigan a little later than expected. So, I've only got 17 days to raise money! If anyone is able and would like to, I would appreciate donations of any amount. I participated last year for the first time and hope to continue to in the future. It is a great cause and a great organization dedicated to preventing premature birth. The link to my walk website is at right. Thank you!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
It's been awhile since I've posted an update on how the girls are doing so here goes:
Natalie is now officially walking. Once she decided she wanted to, she really took off. It's so cute to see her toddle around everywhere and I love the look on her face as she's walking towards me with her arms out (what parent doesn't love that?). She's talking a lot, too. She's started saying little phrases like "ont s'more" (I want some more), "where-she-go?", "all done", etc. Of course these are all only recognizable by Joe and I and occasionally Elizabeth. Natalie has, however, figured out how to say "thank you" really well and it's the cutest sound. She says it all the time and I'm starting to notice that Elizabeth says "thank you" more because of it. She's already a good example to all of us!
Elizabeth is still her cute and fun self but getting bigger and older by the minute. One of the highlights of my Conference weekend was a brief period time in which she was laying with me on the couch. She wasn't really paying attention to the speakers but I would kind of explain what they were talking about and she would listen to me. Then we started talking about her birth story. It was just one of those great moments for me.
I've had a lot of funny moments with her lately, too. Here's a few:
-We were in the backyard when we overheard a neighbor saying "see ya later!" to someone else. Elizabeth suddenly yells "Later, skater!" She claims she learned this on "Curious George"? I thought it was hilarious.
-She was inside holding the bubble container and I told her not to open it. She opened it anyway and when I caught her she said "But bubbles are fun!" I said something like "I know but I told you not to open it and you did anyway. You need to listen." I told her to sit in the corner. As she was walking over there she sighed and said, "You're right, Mom. I need to."(as in listen)
My new motto, taken from the First Presidency Message and Elder Ballard's talk on Sunday, is "Live in the present", especially when it comes to my kids. I really want to treasure the time I have with them and be joyful in my daily work as a mother. They are both growing too fast. I'm so grateful for the blessing it is to be their mother.
Natalie is now officially walking. Once she decided she wanted to, she really took off. It's so cute to see her toddle around everywhere and I love the look on her face as she's walking towards me with her arms out (what parent doesn't love that?). She's talking a lot, too. She's started saying little phrases like "ont s'more" (I want some more), "where-she-go?", "all done", etc. Of course these are all only recognizable by Joe and I and occasionally Elizabeth. Natalie has, however, figured out how to say "thank you" really well and it's the cutest sound. She says it all the time and I'm starting to notice that Elizabeth says "thank you" more because of it. She's already a good example to all of us!
Elizabeth is still her cute and fun self but getting bigger and older by the minute. One of the highlights of my Conference weekend was a brief period time in which she was laying with me on the couch. She wasn't really paying attention to the speakers but I would kind of explain what they were talking about and she would listen to me. Then we started talking about her birth story. It was just one of those great moments for me.
I've had a lot of funny moments with her lately, too. Here's a few:
-We were in the backyard when we overheard a neighbor saying "see ya later!" to someone else. Elizabeth suddenly yells "Later, skater!" She claims she learned this on "Curious George"? I thought it was hilarious.
-She was inside holding the bubble container and I told her not to open it. She opened it anyway and when I caught her she said "But bubbles are fun!" I said something like "I know but I told you not to open it and you did anyway. You need to listen." I told her to sit in the corner. As she was walking over there she sighed and said, "You're right, Mom. I need to."(as in listen)
Friday, April 4, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me

Thank you again, Jon and Jaime, for making it possible and thanks for the calls and e-mails from many of you. I know 24 isn't that old but I still feel like I should be 20 or 21. I do have two kids so you'd think that would make me feel older but I guess I still feel like I'm playing mom most of the time and I'm not actually a real mom. Maybe one of these years I'll start to grow up. :)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Trip to California
Last Monday we drove to CA for a visit. A law school there paid for our gas so Joe could visit the campus and we made a family trip out of it. We drove through the night to get there. It was nice because the kids fell asleep within 20 minutes but it also meant we had to spend the next day recovering. On the way back we drove half during the day and half during the night which I think is ideal for our situation. These are pictures from our drive.
Joe singing
I love this picture with Grandpa. Elizabeth got really attached to this crown that she found there and even got to take it home with her.

Another highlight of our week was going to our nephew Josh's first birthday party. Everyone except one of my brothers and his family was there (we missed you guys!). These next pictures were taken by my Dad. You gotta love Elizabeth's sulky face. She never cooperates for group pictures.

The day after we got back I went upstairs to find the girls playing together in our empty suitcase eager to go on another trip.
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