Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

I turned 24 this week. I had a really great birthday, too. I woke up early to go to the gym and when I got back I found hand-made birthday signs waiting for me. The above sign was on the wall and the one below was being held by Joe and Elizabeth as I walked in. He put the sign on the wall where my present will soon be once it's finished. It's a large picture of the Oakland temple, where we were married. I'll post a picture once it's here.

Joe then stuck around in the morning to let me shower and to make breakfast for me. Later on, we dropped our kids off at Joe's brother house so we could spend the night at the Anniversary Inn. We had a free night-stay there so the best part was that it cost us nothing. First, though, we went out to eat at Rodizio Grill, one of our favorite restaurants. Joe somehow even convinced me to sample the rattlesnake sausage and chicken hearts. I didn't like either one but I was proud of myself for trying them. After dinner we headed to the Inn and to our room: The Phantom of the Opera room. It was pretty cheesy and gaudy but still a lot of fun. Here are some pictures. My favorite part was the tub (pictured below).

Us just before check-out.

Thank you again, Jon and Jaime, for making it possible and thanks for the calls and e-mails from many of you. I know 24 isn't that old but I still feel like I should be 20 or 21. I do have two kids so you'd think that would make me feel older but I guess I still feel like I'm playing mom most of the time and I'm not actually a real mom. Maybe one of these years I'll start to grow up. :)


Teagan said...

HAPPY "late" Birthday!! What a fun night!!
I hear ya when you said you feel like your "playing" mom... You look great!!
cool room you stayed in!!
ps-so do you think you'll end up in CA??

Lisa said...

I am so glad you had a good birthday! Sounds like a lot of fun!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Happy Birthday! So I should probably know this, but when is your birthday? Looks like you guys had a great time. I've never stayed at the Anniversary Inn, but I've heard it is pretty fun with their themed rooms.

Cindy said...

Oh Ashley, I feel so bad...did I talk to you on your b-day? When you called on the phone I for some reason thought oh it's one of your girls b-days...but then you didn't say anything about it and now I realize it was your b-day. I knew the beginning of April was a b-day for someone in your family and of course it was yours! Happy late B-day. It looks like it was a blast. I love the Anniversary Inn. We stayed there on our honeymoon. It's nice and out of the ordinary.

Grandma Larry said...

Happy Happy Birthday Ashley! Glad you had such a good birthday! Keep that up Joe!
So I wondered if you'd like to come over for birthday cake?
hahahahahahahahahah That was such a mean April Fool Joke!

The Olsens said...

Happy Birthday!! Yea, getting old is weird. I still pretend like I'm still 20 too. I think it is a good thing though. We'll have plenty of time to feel old.

Jordan and Luci said...

Apparently I get the "Worse friend award" because I didn't even know it was your b-day! Let's go celebrate with a girl's night or something! We definitely need to do stuff because our time here is running out! Your birthday looked way fun though. Nice husband!


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!! You are young! Now you make me feel old.

Nursemom said...

I feel the same way. I'm 26 but I still feel like I'm really young. Or should be anyway. I'm on my second kid and I feel like I'm playing mom too.