Natalie is now officially walking. Once she decided she wanted to, she really took off. It's so cute to see her toddle around everywhere and I love the look on her face as she's walking towards me with her arms out (what parent doesn't love that?). She's talking a lot, too. She's started saying little phrases like "ont s'more" (I want some more), "where-she-go?", "all done", etc. Of course these are all only recognizable by Joe and I and occasionally Elizabeth. Natalie has, however, figured out how to say "thank you" really well and it's the cutest sound. She says it all the time and I'm starting to notice that Elizabeth says "thank you" more because of it. She's already a good example to all of us!
Elizabeth is still her cute and fun self but getting bigger and older by the minute. One of the highlights of my Conference weekend was a brief period time in which she was laying with me on the couch. She wasn't really paying attention to the speakers but I would kind of explain what they were talking about and she would listen to me. Then we started talking about her birth story. It was just one of those great moments for me.
I've had a lot of funny moments with her lately, too. Here's a few:
-We were in the backyard when we overheard a neighbor saying "see ya later!" to someone else. Elizabeth suddenly yells "Later, skater!" She claims she learned this on "Curious George"? I thought it was hilarious.
-She was inside holding the bubble container and I told her not to open it. She opened it anyway and when I caught her she said "But bubbles are fun!" I said something like "I know but I told you not to open it and you did anyway. You need to listen." I told her to sit in the corner. As she was walking over there she sighed and said, "You're right, Mom. I need to."(as in listen)
Elder Ballard's talk was touching to me as well. I decided to google one of the authors he quoted and I loved her article (Anna Quindlen) It really hit home when she said "I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing...I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting done a little less." It was really good to see you guys the other day!
I too liked Elder Ballard's talk. Wasn't it nice to be remembered? Who says that General Authorities are out of touch? Amidst all that is going on in the world, one of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles who is sustained as a prophet, seer, and revelator chose to speak to young mothers! I loved it. It was a huge testimony to me of what is important to the Lord and His servants (me as well as His Apostle).
I can tell you love your girls and find tremendous happiness being their mother-- they're so lucky to have you.
Hey guys! We found your blog through Graham and Mitzi's. Your little girls are so cute. We'll keep checking for updates.
Todd & Betty
Hey guys I just love your blog and getting updated on your world every once in awhile! I've decided to make our blog private, and didn't want to leave you out if you'd still like to view our blog. If that's the case, will you email me at with a email address? Thanks. I LOVE Elder Ballard's talk, it made me feel appreciated and want to do that much better all at the same time--inspired indeed!
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